Which Pokemon to use to battle the legendaries in the raid?

The only way to capture a legendary Pokemon so far is through raid battles, where you and your friends can battle together against a very high CP (Combat Power) Pokemon. Mewtwo's, for example, is 56.557. Once you beat the Pokemon in the allotted time, you have a few chances to catch it.

Which Pokemon to use to battle the legendaries in the raid?

It's just that it's very difficult to win the raid against these strong Pokémon, since the battle is 5 stars (maximum difficulty level in the game). Alone is almost impossible. With your friends, you need a lot of effort and great Pokémon. The information was taken from the specialized website GamePress.


Which Pokemon to use to battle the legendaries in the raid?

A flying and psychic type, Lugia has CP of 42.753 in raid battle and max CP of 2.056 for capture if you beat him. The chance of getting it with the Golden Razz Berry is 2%. See which Pokémon to use to beat Lugia:

  1. Tyranitar (with Bite and Stone Edge or Crunch)
  2. Zapdos (with Charge Beam and Thunderbolt or Thunder)

If you don't have these, you can choose other good Pokémon:

  1. Dragonite (com Dragon Breath ou Dragon Tail e Dragon Claw, Outrage ou Hurricane)
  2. gyrados (with Bite and Hydro Pump or Crunch)
  3. G (com Rock Throw e Stone Edge ou Rock Blast)
  4. Omastar (com Rock Throw, Water Gun e Rock Slide ou Rock Blast)
  5. Jolteon (with Thunder Shock and Thunderbolt or Discharge)
  6. magneton (com Spark or Thunder Shock e Discharge or Zap Cannon)

Or others that are great but die fast:

  1. gengar (com Shadow Claw, Sucker Punch ou Hex e Shadow Ball)
  2. Jynx (with Frost Breath and Avalanche)
  3. Houndoom (with Snarl and Foul Play)


Which Pokemon to use to battle the legendaries in the raid?

A flying and ice type, Articuno has CP of 37.603 in raid battle and max CP of 1.676 for capture if you beat him. The chance of getting it with the Golden Razz Berry is 3%. See which Pokémon to use to beat Articuno:

  1. Moltres (com Fire Spin e Overheat)
  2. Omastar (com Rock Throw e Rock Slide ou Rock Blast)

If you don't have these, you can choose other good Pokémon:

  1. Tyranitar (com Bite ou Iron Tail e Stone Edge)
  2. Arcanine (com Fire Fang e Flamethrower, Wild Charge e Fire Blast)
  3. Scizor (com Bullet Punch e Iron Head)
  4. Flareon (com Fire Spin e Overheat ou Flamethrower)
  5. Kabutops (com Mud Shot ou Fury Cutter e Stone Edge ou Ancient Power)
  6. starmie (com Water Gun e Power Gem)
  7. Houndoom (com Fire Fang e Fire Blast)

Or others that are great but die fast:

  1. Zapdos (with Charge Beam and Thunderbolt or Tunder)
  2. Charizard (com Fire Spin e Overheat ou Flamethrower)
  3. Jolteon (with Thunder Shock and Thunderbolt or Discharge)
  4. magneton (with Spark or Thunder Shock and Discharge or Magnet Bomb)
  5. Sudowoodo (com Rock Throw e Rock Slide ou Stone Edge)
  6. G (com Rock Throw e Stone Edge ou Rock Blast)


A flying and electric type, Zapdos has CP of 42.691 in raid battle and max CP of 1.902 for capture if you beat it. The chance of getting it with the Golden Razz Berry is 3%. See which Pokémon to use to beat Zapdos:

  1. G (com Rock Throw e Stone Edge ou Rock Blast)

If you don't have these, you can choose other good Pokémon:

  1. Tyranitar (com Bite e Stone Edge)
  2. Dragonite (with Dragon Breath or Dragon Tail and Dragon Claw or Outrage)
  3. Piloswine (with Ice Shard or Powder Snow and Avalanche)

Or others that are great but die fast:

  1. Omastar (com Rock Throw e Rock Slide ou Rock Blast)
  2. gengar (com Shadow Claw e Shadow Ball e Sludge Bomb)
  3. Jynx (with Frost Breath and Avalanche)


Which Pokemon to use to battle the legendaries in the raid?

A flying and fire type, Moltres has CP of 41.953 in raid battle and max CP of 1.870 for capture if you beat it. The chance of getting it with the Golden Razz Berry is 3%. See which Pokémon to use to beat Moltres:

  1. G (com Rock Throw e Stone Edge ou Rock Blast)
  2. Omastar (com Rock Throw ou Water Gun e Rock Slide, Rock Blast ou Hydro Pump)

If you don't have these, you can choose other good Pokémon:

  1. Tyranitar (com Bite e Stone Edge)
  2. Dragonite (with Dragon Breath or Dragon Tail and Dragon Claw or Outrage)
  3. Kingdra (com Water Gun e Hydro Pump)
  4. gyrados (com Bite, Dragon Breath ou Dragon Tail e Hydro Pump)
  5. Vaporeon (com Water Gun e Hydro Pump ou Aqua Tail)
  6. Kabutops (com Mud Shot ou Fury Cutter e Stone Edge ou Ancient Power)

Or others that are great but die fast:

  1. Zapdos (with Charge Beam and Thunderbolt or Tunder)
  2. Jolteon (with Thunder Shock and Thunderbolt or Discharge)
  3. starmie (com Water Gun ou Hidden Power e Power Gem)
  4. Sudowoodo (com Rock Throw e Stone Edge ou Rock Slide)


Which Pokemon to use to battle the legendaries in the raid?

Psychic-type Mewtwo has CP of 56.557 in raid battle and max CP of 2.275 for capture if you beat it. See which Pokémon to use to beat Mewtwo:

  1. Tyranitar (with Bite and Stone Edge or Crunch)

If you don't have these, you can choose other good Pokémon:

  1. Dragonite (com Dragon Breath ou Dragon Tail e Dragon Claw, Outrage ou Hurricane)
  2. gyrados (with Bite and Hydro Pump or Crunch)
  3. Scizor (com Fury Cutter e X-Scissor)
  4. Houndoom (with Snarl and Foul Play)
  5. pinsir (com Bug Bite ou Fury Cutter e X-Scissor)

Or others that are great but die fast:

  1. gengar (com Shadow Claw, Hex ou Sucker Punch e Shadow Ball)


Which Pokemon to use to battle the legendaries in the raid?

A flying and psychic type, Raikou has CP of 42.932 in raid battle and max CP of 2.275 for capture if you beat him. See which Pokémon to use to beat Raikou:

  1. G (com Mud Slap, Mud Shot ou Rock Throw e Earthquake)
  2. Rhydon (with Mud Slap and Earthquake)

If you don't have these, you can choose other good Pokémon:

  1. Donphan (with Counter and Earthquake)
  2. Dragonite (with Dragon Tail or Dragon Breath and Outrage or Dragon Claw)
  3. exeggutor (with Confusion or Extrasensory and Solar Beam)
  4. Nesting (com Fury Cutter e Earthquake)

Or others that are great but die fast:

  1. machamp (with Counter or Karate Chop and Dynamic Punch)


Which Pokemon to use to battle the legendaries in the raid?

A flying and psychic type, Entei has CP of 38.628 in raid battle and max CP of 2.275 for capture if you beat it. See which Pokémon to use to beat Entei:

  1. Omastar (com Rock Throw ou Water Gun e Rock Slide, Rock Blast ou Hydro Pump)
  2. Vaporeon (com Water Gun e Aqua Tail ou Hydro Pump)

If you don't have these, you can choose other good Pokémon:

  1. (com Mud Slap, Mud Shot ou Rock Throw e Stone Edge, Rock Blast ou Earthquake)
  2. Rhydon (with Mud Slap and Stone Edge or Earthquake)
  3. Feraligatr (com Water Gun e Hydro Pump)
  4. Gyarados (com Bite, Dragon Breath ou Dragon Tail e Hydro Pump)
  5. Dragonite (Dragon Tail ou Dragon Breath e Outrage, Dragon Claw ou Hurricane)
  6. Kingdra (com Water Gun e Hydro Pump)


Which Pokemon to use to battle the legendaries in the raid?

A flying and psychic type, Suicune has CP of 34.471 in raid battle and max CP of 2.275 for capture if you beat him. See which Pokémon to use to beat Suicune:

  1. Zapdos (com Charge Beam e Thunderbolt ou Zap Cannon)

If you don't have these, you can choose other good Pokémon:

  1. Dragonite (com Dragon Tail ou Dragon Breath e Hurricane, Outrage ou Dragon Claw)
  2. Venusaur (with Vine Whip or Razor Leaf and Solar Beam or Petal Blizzard)
  3. exeggutor (com Confusion, Extrasensory ou Bullet Seed e Solar Beam ou Seed Bomb)

Or others that are great but die fast:

  1. Vileplume (with Razor Leaf and Solar Beam or Petal Blizzard)
  2. Victreebel (with Razor Leaf and Leaf Blade or Solar Beam)
  3. Tangela (com Vine Whip ou Solar Beam e Grass Knot ou Power Whip)
  4. Jolteon (with Thunder Shock and Thunderbolt or Discharge)

Updated September 4, 2017 to include the legendary Raikou, Entei, and Suicune.

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