How to evolve Farfetch'd to Sirfetch'd in Pokémon GO

Em Pokémon GOthe Farfetch'd from the Galar region can evolve to Sirfetch'd, a pokemon that fights like a knight. The process takes a few extra steps, but overall, getting the new pocket monster is pretty straightforward. Find out below how to evolve Farfetch'd into Sirfetch'd.

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How to evolve Farfetch'd to Sirfetch'd in Pokémon GO

Pokémon GO (Image: Playback/Niantic/The Pokémon Company)

Farfetch'd Generation 1 or Galar?

There are two types of Farfetch'd in Pokémon GO. The first and best known is the first generation, which belongs to the list of 151 original pokemons. However, this is one of the few pocket monsters in the game restricted to a specific region. This one, for example, only appears in Japan and South Korea.

The second type is Farfetch'd from the Galar region, which is slightly different. It was introduced in Pokémon GO for all players, and it can be hatched into 7km eggs, which you receive from friends.

Galar's Farfetch'd cannot be captured in the open world normally, only during events.

How to evolve Farfetch'd to Sirfetch'd in Pokémon GO

Farfetch'd Generation 1 (left) and the Galar region (Image: Reproduction/Niantic/The Pokémon Company)

To get Sirfetch'd, you will have to evolve Farfetch'd of Galar. Farfetch'd Generation 1 does not evolve.

How to evolve Farfetch'd into Sirfetch'd

To evolve Farfetch'd of Galar, you'll have to set it as your new companion pokémon, the one that walks with you and gives you candy.

Here's how to do it:

How to evolve Farfetch'd to Sirfetch'd in Pokémon GO

Swapping companions in Pokémon GO (Image: Reproduction/Niantic/The Pokémon Company)

  1. Open Pokémon GO and tap your profile;
  2. Tap your buddy pokemon;
  3. Swipe down the screen and tap on “Switch partner”;
  4. Tap the “Yes” button;
  5. In the Pokemon list, tap on Galar's Farfetch'd and it will become your new companion;

With Farfetch'd of Galar as your companion, you'll earn Farfetch'd candy as you walk and play. Accumulate at least 50 of them.

While accumulating candy, make 10 excellent rolls when catching Pokemon. Even if the pokemon escapes or runs away, the play will be counted the same way.

If you exchange Galar's Farfetch'd for another companion pokemon, that's also no problem. The number of excellent plays will not be erased, and will continue to be valid until it reaches the required 10. However, excellent plays with other little monsters as a companion do not count.

After reaching 10 excellent plays, and having 50 Farfetch'd candies in your inventory, do the following:

  1. On the main screen, tap on the Poké Ball and then on “Pokémon”;
  2. Na list of pokémons, touch not Farfetch'd de Galar;
  3. Tap “Evolve” and then “Yes”;
How to evolve Farfetch'd to Sirfetch'd in Pokémon GO

Sirfetch'd in Pokémon GO (Image: Playback/Niantic/The Pokémon Company)

After following the step-by-step guide on how to evolve Farfetch'd, the little monster of Galar will become Sirfetch'd, a medieval knight-style fighter pokemon.

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