What is Lucky Pokémon in Pokémon Go

Os lucky pokemon is a new category only available in Pokémon Go. While the Shiny version of a species has only cosmetic effects, with a different coloring, the lucky ones tend to be stronger monsters and spend less to strengthen themselves.

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What is Lucky Pokémon in Pokémon Go

What is a Lucky Pokemon

The category was introduced in Pokémon Go and remains only in that game in the franchise. You don't find a Lucky Pokémon in the wild, it is obtained by trading one already caught with a friend.

Among the advantages of a Lucky Pokémon is the reduction in the amount of Stardust to strengthen it and the possibility of being a monster with stronger attributes for battle (Attack, Defense and Health) in Gyms or Raid.

It is different from a Shiny Pokémon (also known as Shiny), which only has aesthetic characteristics, which does not influence the Pokémon's strength. To identify those who are lucky, just check the description below the name and its Pokédex background effect.

What is Lucky Pokémon in Pokémon Go

How to get a Lucky

Through trades, this is the only method of being able to turn a regular Pokémon into Lucky. They do not appear in the wild to capture.

The transformation is random, but there are a few ways to increase a Pokémon's chance of being lucky during the trade.

  • Longest time spent with a Pokémon:
    If you caught the Pokemon a long time ago and decide to trade it with a friend, the chances of him getting lucky increase;
  • Lucky Friendship:
    The first Pokémon to be traded when you get Lucky Friendship is guaranteed to become Lucky.

How does Lucky Friendship work?

There are four friendship levels in Pokémon Go:

  1. Beautiful Friendship;
  2. Great friendship;
  3. Ultra friendship;
  4. Unequaled Friendship.

To reach this last level, you must have played at least 90 days with a friend. Whether exchanging gifts, making some exchange or battling.

After receiving the title of Unequaled Friendship, further interactions between friends may result in the transformation to a Lucky Friendship — a notification is sent to notify the status. After that, the first exchange between the two players will result in a Pokémon that is lucky for both sides.

After the exchange is made, the Lucky Friendship status is cleared, requiring you to regain the title.

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