Pokémon: Sinnoh remakes show new Pokétch functions in trailer

Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl received, this Tuesday (28), a new gameplay trailer focused on new game functions and features of the original games that were modified in the remakes. The video showcases new Pokétch clock apps, a system for cooking Poffins with the help of Pokémon, and a revamped Amity Square.

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Pokémon: Sinnoh remakes show new Pokétch functions in trailer
Pokétch will be used to access HMs in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (Image: Handout/Nintendo)

The first big news shown in the trailer was the Pokétch, which received new functions in the Sinnoh remakes. The clock — which used to be on the bottom screen of the Nintendo DS — continues with the classic features, such as a step counter, Pokémon visualization and item radar. However, in the new games the accessory will also be used to access the Hidden Machine (HM) moves, such as Surf, Cut and Rock Climb.

In Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, players will no longer need to reserve a team space to have an “HM Slave” — Pokémon used only to learn HMs. In the remakes, the trainer will use the Pokétch to summon wild monsters that will use these moves and then return to the wild.

Watch the Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl gameplay trailer below:

Poffins and Amity Square are back in remakes

Another change was in the Poffins creation system — cookies that improve the characteristics of Pokémon for contests, such as beauty, cuteness, intelligence, calm and toughness. It will still be possible to use berries to cook the snacks, but the remakes will allow you to make even better Poffins with the help of the little monsters in Amity Square.

Incidentally, Amity Square also received some redesigns. This place works as a square where the trainer can leave certain Pokémon on the team out of the Poké Balls and interact with them. In the original games, Amity Square was also used to find unique items and special berries.

Finally, the trailer introduces three more characters from Sinnoh: Cheryl — a trainer who specializes in high health Pokémon — Riley — known for her Lucario — and Eterna City's grass-type gym leader Gardenia. In the video you can still see the look of the Forest of Eterna and the caves of the Iron Island.

Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl are set for release on November 19, 2021, exclusively for Nintendo Switch.

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