Pokémon Go will have several Pokémon on December Community Day

As usual, the Community Day de December in Pokémon Go will be in two days and will have the participation of several Pokémon - those who participated in the other dates throughout the year. Creatures like Porygon, Abra, Charmander, Magmar, Magikarp and Electabuzz are guaranteed, among other news that we will have at the event.

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Pokémon Go will have several Pokémon on December Community Day

December Community Day will be special in Pokémon Go (Image: Niantic/Handout)

It's worth remembering that Pokémon Go's Community Day (also known as "community day") takes place once a month, during a few hours on a specific day.

It's a way to celebrate the game's community and encourage players to make friends, according to Niantic. During the event it is possible to find special Pokémon in the wild and get exclusive attacks and bonuses during the Community Day period.

In addition to having the chance to catch their chosen Pokémon in large numbers, players also have the opportunity to get their Shiny, or "Shiny" form. In this case, there will be several options, on two special days.

December Community Day

When will the event take place?

From December 12, starting at 6 am, to December 13, ending at 22 pm.

Which Pokemon was chosen for the event?

Charmander, Weedle, Abra, Gastly, Rhyhorn, Electabuzz, Magmar, Magikarp, Porygon, Seedot e Piplup.

Additionally, raids will bring the following Pokémon: Totodile, Swinub, Treecko, Torchic, Mudkip, Ralts, Slakoth, Trapinch, Bagon, Turtwig, and Chimchar.

Anyone who hatches 2km eggs during the event can receive one of these: Totodile, Swinub, Treecko, Torchic, Mudkip, Ralts, Slakoth, Trapinch, Bagon, Turtwig and Chimchar.

What are the September Community Day bonuses?

Several Pokémon that evolved during Community Days will receive special attacks, following what they've received throughout the year.

The list is as follows:

  • Evolve Charmeleon to obtain a Charizard that knows Dragon's Breath.
  • Evolve Kakuna to get a Beedrill that knows Hurricane.
  • Evolve Kadabra to get an Alakazam that knows Counterattack.
  • Evolve Haunter to obtain a Gengar that knows Shadow Punch.
  • Evolve Rhydon to get a Rhyperior who knows the Rock Breaker.
  • Evolve Electabuzz to obtain an Electivire that knows the Flamethrower.
  • Evolve Magmar to obtain a Magmortar that knows Lightning.
  • Evolve Magikarp to get a Gyarados that knows Aqua Tail.
  • Evolve Porygon2 to get a Porygon-Z that knows Triattack.
  • Evolve Croconaw to obtain a Feraligatr that knows the Hydrocannon.
  • Evolve Piloswine to obtain a Mamoswine that knows Ancestral Power.
  • Evolve Grovyle to obtain a Sceptile that knows the Deadly Plant.
  • Evolve Combusken to get a Blaziken that knows Explosive Burn.
  • Evolve Nuzleaf to get a Shiftry that knows the Seed Projectile.
  • Evolve Kirlia to obtain a Gardevoir or Gallade that knows Synchronized Noise.
  • Evolve Vigoroth to obtain a Slaking that knows Body Slam.
  • Evolve Vibrava to obtain a Flygon that knows the Power of Earth.
  • Evolve Shelgon to get a Salamence that knows Outrage
  • Evolve Grotle to obtain a Torterra that knows the Deadly Plant.
  • Evolve Monferno to obtain an Infernape that knows Explosive Burn.
  • Evolve Prinplup to get an Empoleon that knows the Hydrocannon.

Finally, on both days, between 11 am and 17 pm local time, other bonuses and special Pokémon should appear, as well as themed tasks, involving the available creatures.

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