How to play Pokemon Unite [Beginners Guide]

Pokémon Unite, MOBA game of pocket monsters, is already on Nintendo Switch and arrives in September 2021 on Android and iPhone (iOS) phones. As in other titles of the genre, you have to choose a Pokémon and form a team with other people. The team that scores the most points in the enemy's goals wins the game. In the following lines, learn how to play Pokémon Unite and see tips to succeed.

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How to play Pokemon Unite [Beginners Guide]

Pokémon Unite is the pocket monsters MOBA-style game (Image: Handout/Nintendo)

1. Know the Pokémon and their classes

As in other MOBA-style games, such as League of Legends (LoL) and Dota 2, to play Pokémon Unite you have to choose one of the various monsters available and make the team's composition. Before starting to play for real, it's important to take a look at the skills of the characters in the training mode, which is in the game's menu.

In training, you can automatically level up to test all skills and disable power cooldowns. There are even dolls that show the amount of damage done. So, you get to know how the resources of each Pokémon can make a difference in matches.

How to play Pokemon Unite [Beginners Guide]

Pokémon Unite has five different classes of monsters (Image: Funnygameszone)

So far, the game has 20 Pokémon divided into five different classes:

  • Attacker: focused on dealing damage at short or long distances, Pokémon of this class tend to be more fragile and end the game with the most kills. Here are Pikachu, Greninja, Venusaur, Alolan Ninetales, Cramorant and Cinderace;
  • Speedster: Specialists in speed and mobility, Pokémon in this category have abilities that make it easier to move around the map. Included in this class are Absol, Gengar, Talonflame, and Zeraora;
  • All-rounder: are Pokémon that do a little bit of everything, but never as well as the specialized classes. Representatives are Charizard, Lucario, Machamp and Garchomp;
  • Defend: focus on defending the team on the front lines with damage reduction abilities and crowd controls. In this class are Crustle, Snorlax and Slowbro;
  • Support: can support the team with abilities that create barriers, shields, or heal allies. Here we have Eldegoss, Mr. Mime and Wigglytuff.

2. Equip Battle Items and Held Items when playing Pokémon Unite

How to play Pokemon Unite [Beginners Guide]

Battle Items (Imagem: Funnygameszone)

A very important mechanic in Pokémon Unite, the Battle Items and Held Items offer an extra skill and stat bonus, respectively. These items can be obtained just by playing and completing challenges, or by purchasing directly from the in-game store using in-game coins (Aeos Coins and Aeos Tickets) or with real money (Aeos Gems).

As the player levels up the account, more Battle Items are unlocked. They all start with the Potion — which heals a portion of the Pokémon's HP when used. At higher levels it is possible to use items that increase damage, movement speed and even allow you to teleport forward. Battle Items are activated with the “Y” button within the game.

How to play Pokemon Unite [Beginners Guide]

Held Items (Imagem: Funnygameszone)

Held Items just need to be equipped before the fight starts to take effect. They grant more attack, crit chance, lifesteal, among others. These gear can also be upgraded to level 30 using the “Item Enhancer” feature.

Equipment bonuses increase as you upgrade. So, strengthen your Held Items whenever possible so you don't get disadvantaged.

3. Communicate your preferred route to the team

How to play Pokemon Unite [Beginners Guide]

Choose your route in Pokémon Unite and communicate to the team (Image: Funnygameszone)

Before the game begins, players have time to choose their Pokémon, equip items, and decide which route to take. This step is very important for your team to know what you intend to do in the match. To do well in any MOBA, you need to have a lot of communication with your team.

To access the battle preparation menu, just press “ZL”, right after choosing a Pokémon. In the window that will open you can choose your Battle Item, equip up to three Held Items and select one of the three routes to go: top, center or bottom.

When you click on “Edit”, on the “Map Path”, the game will already recommend the best route for your Pokémon. Defenders and some attackers work best at the top of the map. At the bottom are usually supporters and one more attacker. In the middle, where the jungle is, it's the perfect spot for speedsters and all-rounders.

4. Attack and defend goals instead of hunting kills

How to play Pokemon Unite [Beginners Guide]

To win in Pokémon Unite, you need to score goals (Image: Funnygameszone)

To win a match in Pokémon Unite, you need to score the most points in your opponent's goals. Unlike League of Legends, where kills grant gold and other perks, eliminating opposing Pokémon is only worthwhile if their goal is unprotected.

It is not recommended to chase kills, because the time it takes for a player to get back in the game after being eliminated is very short. So, if you manage to kill your opponents on the route, take the opportunity to score all the points you can in enemy goals.

It's worth mentioning that, to get the balls needed to score goals, just eliminate wild Pokémon (Aipom, Audino, Corphish, among others) or catch the yellow orbs that fall from opponents.

5. Use vision and map to your advantage in Pokémon Unite

How to play Pokemon Unite [Beginners Guide]

Use bushes to hide in Pokémon Unite (Image: Funnygameszone)

The game's map has areas with bushes where it's possible to hide, without opponents seeing your icon on the minimap. To know when you are invisible, just notice the slashed eye symbol on top of your Pokémon. Thus, it is possible to make ambushes or trick enemies to escape.

Speaking of the minimap, when playing Pokémon Unite it is very important to pay attention to the movement of your team and the opposing team on the minimap, which is on the upper left side of the screen. If too many enemies are heading your way, it might be best to back off and ask for help.

How to play Pokemon Unite [Beginners Guide]

Pay attention to the minimap to know the location of enemies (Image: Funnygameszone)

It is also possible to control the game's camera freely, without it being attached to the Pokémon. To do this, just hold the "L" button and move the Nintendo Switch's right analog stick.

6. Eliminate Rotom, Drednaw and Zapdos ASAP

How to play Pokemon Unite [Beginners Guide]

Zapdos grants the strongest bonus in Pokémon Unite (Image: Funnygameszone)

In addition to the simple wild Pokémon that guarantee points for scoring goals, there are also neutral monsters that are in the jungle or at the top and bottom edges of the map. When they are defeated, the player or the entire team gains an advantage over the opponents. Find out what these Pokémon are, where they are and their effects:

  • Toy: present in the jungle from 15 seconds into the game, near the spawn area of ​​the teams, the Pokémon offers the purple bonus to the player who deals the last hit. The effect increases damage dealt to low health enemies;
  • puffy: appears at the same time as Ludicolo in the jungle, near the teams' bases, and grants the orange bonus to the player who eliminates him. The buff causes the Pokémon's basic attacks to slow the target;
  • Rotom: located at the top of the map, it gives the entire team an advantage when defeated. After being eliminated, he walks to the nearest enemy goal and disables protections for 15 seconds, allowing him to make instant scores;
  • Drednaw: is at the bottom of the map. When eliminated, it grants a shield to all players on the team equivalent to about 15% to 20% of the Pokémon's health;
  • Zapdos: the strongest wild Pokémon appears in the middle of the map in the final two minutes of the match. The team that defeats Zapdos gets a lot of points and makes scoring instant on every goal for 30 seconds.

7. Venture into Pokemon Unite ranks

How to play Pokemon Unite [Beginners Guide]

Rank up in the Pokemon Unite rankings (Image: Funnygameszone)

Now that you know how to play Pokémon Unite, just keep training to start venturing into ranked matches from account level 6 onwards. At the end of ranked seasons, players receive rewards according to the highest rank achieved in the period.

Pokémon Unite's six ranks are Beginner, Great, Expert, Veteran, Ultra, and Master. Each of them is divided into links. All players start in Beginner: Class One and can rank up by winning ranked matches.

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