What's the difference between the Alpha Pokémon in Legends: Arceus?

You're walking through the open countryside of Obsidian Fieldlands like you don't want anything, but suddenly you come across a Pokémon bigger than your own kind and the worst: it has a strong red in the eyes! Fellow Survey Corps, you've just encountered an Alpha Pokémon in Legends: Arceus. Learn more about their differences in the lines below.

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What's the difference between the Alpha Pokémon in Legends: Arceus?
Pokémon Legends: Arceus (Image: Playback/Game Freak)

Emerging as a novelty in Legends: Arceus, the Alpha Pokémon are little monsters of greater size and strength than their counterparts. Therefore, even your level is above the standard for the area you are in. Also, another highlight to spot one is noticing its bloodshot eyes.

So far, all very clear, but what are the differences between an Alpha and a regular Pokémon?

When facing one of these creatures, it is easy to see that they are true battle machines. In addition to the high level (usually above 30), his blows are more powerful, being able to take down members of your team without much difficulty.

This is because of their status. Every Alpha Pokémon in Legends: Arceus has at least three stats with an effort rating of three. That way, these little monsters already start out much stronger than most. It is also worth noting that many have moves in their arsenal that could normally only be acquired through the in-game Move Shop, that is, the Alphas are quite unpredictable.

How to catch Alpha Pokémon in Legends: Arceus

It may be that you have already tried to launch a Poké Ball behind one of these massive little monsters, but unfortunately the capture did not come. From there, it was crazy to run away while dodging the Alpha's onslaughts while planning what to do on the next attempt if he got out of there in one piece.

What's the difference between the Alpha Pokémon in Legends: Arceus?
Be careful when you come across Pokémon Alpha (Image: Ricardo Syozi/Funnygameszone)

With that in mind, I'll help you with my own experience catching Alpha Pokémon in Legends: Arceus:

  • Rank up, as the amount of stars you have determines which levels of Pokémon you can catch;
  • Use the back strike (throw the Poké Ball on the monster's back) with a Great Ball or better options;
  • Have Oran Berries and Razz Berries on hand, as they are a huge help to distract and calm Alpha Pokémon, making it easier to capture;
  • Interestingly, getting into battles against these mighty creatures didn't work out well for me. Even leaving them low on HP, they almost always escape the thrown Poké Ball. Forcing me to flee or end the fight. Therefore, I suggest keeping the capture attempts on the sly.

It's worth remembering that the journey in Legends: Arceus is not just about capturing the Alpha Pokémon. As we saw in the special made by Lucas Lima, the whole experience is immersive and innovative. Gaming presents a very welcome path to Nintendo's famous series.

What are you thinking of the game? What is your favorite Alpha Pokemon? Tell us!

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