US troops drop Pokemon Go monsters out of Afghanistan

US military troops are leaving Afghanistan, a process that began on July 1 and should continue until September 11, leaving a curious legacy behind: creatures of Pokémon Go. In an interview published in the military journal Stars and Stripes, accounts from soldiers and former operators who were at the scene talk about how everyone in the region played Pokémon Go while participating in operations and conflicts.

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US troops drop Pokemon Go monsters out of Afghanistan

Pokémon Go also leaves history in the Afghan conflict (Image: Amy Bushatz/

The reports show the region of Bagram, a city that functioned as the main center of concentration and US military installations. The interview even mentions that PokéStops and Gyms were installed there, in addition to Pokémon "spawns", due to the presence of a soldier, which created a large community of the game, along with some locations.

One of the gyms, for example, is in a memorial to a dead soldier. Another was positioned in a chapel.

“Being able to strike up a conversation with a complete stranger in the middle of a warzone about something like Pokémon was a great way to stay sociable,” said Wilbur Landaverde, a contractor who worked on the site in collaboration with the troops. .

According to the report, the soldiers say they are sad to leave creatures in the gyms behind, but they know that someone will probably take them quickly.

Occupation is no joke

Although the reports are curious, it is worth remembering that the scenario is not at all friendly, since the region was the target of conflicts considered violent and unnecessary. The departure of the troops marks the end of one of the biggest conflicts promoted by the US and violence rages the place, even with the order of President Joe Biden to leave the country.

To Reuters, Malek Mir, a mechanic who lives in Bagram, criticized the operation. “What was the purpose of all the destruction, slaughter and misery they brought us? I wish they had never come,” he said.

As much as Pokémon Go has inserted some social context in a war zone, it is always good to remember that wars are not good and do not bring good results even for the winning side, since many soldiers lose their lives in the conflict – only in Bragam, since the occupation began, 40 people have died in suicide attacks.

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