Third generation comes to Pokémon Go

After a few Gen 50 Pokémon appeared in the game for Halloween, now XNUMX more little monsters from the Hoenn region are now available in Pokémon Go.

Of these, we will already see the three starters, Treecko, Torchic and Mudkip, in addition to several others that appear in promotional materials, such as Salamence, Shiftry and Aggron. Based on the video posted by Niantic, you can also assume that we will find raids of third-gen Legendaries, such as Groudon.

Third generation comes to Pokémon Go

The Hoenn region is explored in Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire — Ruby was my starting point in Pokémon, by the way, so it's exciting to be able to capture some little monsters in the game that I've only seen on my Game Boy before.

As you might have guessed, the entire third generation isn't just 50 Pokémon. That's right: Niantic will release the rest "over the next few weeks". My guess is that the gradual update is to try to keep the hype of a new generation, when more people tend to play again.

Sun and rain

Now, Pokémon Go also has a dynamic weather system, which changes according to the weather in your region. The game will reflect a sunny, rainy or snowy day, in addition to showing fog, wind and a cloudy day.

Third generation comes to Pokémon Go

Basically, the utility is more than cosmetic: Niantic explains that it will be more common to find a Mudkip, a third generation water starter pokémon, on a rainy day, for example.

As The Verge recalls, Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire was the first to show how the weather better interferes with battles and the game's progress. It is from the third generation that Pokémon Castform is part, which changes characteristics according to the weather. ?

Hoenn's Pokémon should arrive by the end of the week, while this dynamic time novelty shouldn't appear in the game until the end of the month. Tell me, is anyone still playing Pokémon Go?

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