The Pokémon available in Pokémon Unite at launch

Pokémon Unite has arrived with a lot of force on Nintendo Switch. There are many players all the time wanting to participate in exciting matches, as they can choose between their favorite little monsters. However, there is still a lot to discover in the game, starting with which Pokémon will start its journey. Meet the entire cast available once you start Pokémon Unite.

  • How to play Pokemon Unite [Beginners Guide]
  • 8 Pokemon Games Available for Nintendo Switch
The Pokémon available in Pokémon Unite at launch

Pokémon Unite started with a cast of 20 Pokémon (Image: Handout / Pokémon Company)

Pokémon available in Pokémon Unite at launch

Matches in Pokémon Unite pit two teams of five Pokémon in animated matches where scoring and protecting your side is most important. There are five classes available to the player, each with their own advantages and disadvantages. If you're just starting out in the game and want to ask questions about how to play Pokémon Unite, check out our beginner's guide. Now, meet the entire cast available at launch.

1. Pikachu (Attacker)

Pikachu is a ranged attacker, it serves to knock down opponents with its high level of damage, but it can also be quickly eliminated as it is fragile. The best way for Pikachu is the top or bottom lane, because that way he can participate in a lot of combats. His Unite Move is called Thunderstorm, a powerful attack that hits all surrounding opponents. You'll see him a lot in Pokémon Unite.

2. Zeraora (Speedster)

The mighty Zeraora is fast and offensive, perfect for those who want to deal physical damage and still score a lot of points. His greatest weakness is his fragility. The path indicated for this Pokémon is the middle one, facing opponents and accumulating goals. His Unite Move is called Plasma Gale, it fires a strong electrical beam that creates a field of lightning.

3. Charizard (All-rounder)

Popular with fans, Charizard starts out weak like Charmander, but once it evolves it becomes a force to be reckoned with. As an all-rounder, this Pokémon is satisfactory in almost everything, but ends up not being sensational in any way. The support part is not his strong point at all, putting him in botton lane as the best way. His Unite Move is the Seismic Slam, in which he grabs a single opponent and slams them to the ground dealing massive damage.

4. Snorlax (Defender)

Snorlax is an excellent choice for those who want to give that strength to the team and still live long enough to tell the story. Its high level of stamina is great for supporting teammates, but because of its very low mobility, it's not an interesting choice to score points. The best positioning for this large Pokémon is to defend goals, especially in the top lane. Finally, its Unite Move is Power Nap, Snorlax falls into a deep sleep dealing damage to opponents around him.

5. Crustle (Defender)

Bearing similarities to Snorlax, Crustle works very well as a top lane goalkeeper, but can move to bottom lane if the team needs it. Its high level of resistance makes it a difficult opponent to take down, but it is slow, making it weak in terms of running away from a battle. His Unite Move is called Rubble Rouser, in which Crustle covers himself with a pile of rocks preventing opponents from touching him.

Greninja (Attackers)

Greninja uses the full power of its shadow moves to deal damage and hide in tight times. This ranged attacker must always be together with other members of his team, as he can suffer a lot if he faces opponents alone. His varied abilities make him useful in both top and bottom lanes, but even in middle he can work in his team's favor. Greninja's Unite Move is the Waterburst Shuriken that deals massive damage to the opponent.

7. Eldegoss (Supporter)

For those who want to play helping their team members stay alive, Eldegoss is an excellent option. Having a high level of support, this Pokémon is able to use healing moves constantly, but it is not at all satisfactory in terms of attack and resistance. The best way to use it is in botton lane, always behind important team members. His Unite Move is Cloud Cotton Crash, he protects Eldegoss while healing teammates and damaging opponents.

8. Talonflame (Speedster)

A true scorer. Despite not having good support or resistance numbers, Talonflame has one of the best mobility of Pokémon Unite, allowing it to score many goals and still escape tight situations, being perfect to play in middle. Just be smart in the middle of battles, as this Pokémon's fragility can mean an elimination. His Unite Move is Flame Sweep, a powerful attack that makes him cross great distances while dealing damage.

9. Lucario (All-rounder)

Another popular name among fans, Lucario has good status in almost everything except support. Because of its interesting mobility and attack, it serves to face opponents and still score points. Using it in botton lane is ideal, but always in partnership with a defender or speedster, as controlling it is not an easy task. His Unite Move is called Aura Cannon, an attack that can do a lot of damage to opponents.

10. Venusaur (Attacker)

After evolving from Bulbasaur and Ivysaur, Venusaur becomes an incredible ranged weapon. Its fragility makes it a good target for opponents, but if it maintains the ideal space between opponents, this Pokémon can do a lot of damage. Try to keep him in top lane alongside a good defender. Its Unite Move is Verdant Anger, a move that launches multiple seeds dealing damage to opponents in range.

11. Mr. Mime (Supporter)

Mr. Mime is an expert at supporting teammates in Pokémon Unite. Its high level of resistance guarantees it for longer in the arena, but due to its low levels of attack and mobility, it ends up requiring a lot of skill on the part of the player. Because of its characteristics, its presence is better in botton lane, even more having a speedster as a partner. Finally, his Unite Move is called Showtime!, a super move that stuns all opponents around him.

12. Slowbro (Defend)

A true wall, this is a great definition for Slowbro. Even with disadvantages in terms of attack, mobility and score, this Pokémon can withstand a very high level of damage. In addition, it helps its teammates a lot with its Unite Move, as it can immobilize opponents in place when using Slowbeam. During matches in Pokémon Unite, the ideal is to have Slowbro positioned in the botton lane.

13. Absol (Speedster)

Absol is a Pokémon that demands a lot from the player's skills and knowledge, but when used well it can help the team achieve victory. He has beautiful levels of attack and mobility, but is quite fragile, being easily eliminated without proper support. The best option is to use it in the middle, defeating important monsters. Its Unite Move is Midnight Slash, in which Absol charges at opponents dealing massive damage.

14. Machamp (All-rounder)

Machamp is a physical attacker who has a great attack level, as well as balance in other aspects (with the exception of support). If you put it in the middle to take down opposing Pokémon, this big guy will do a lot of damage. More likely, you will end up seeing many opponents run away as soon as they receive the first blows. His Unite Move is called Barrage Blow which makes Machamp perform a nice combo on whoever gets in his way.

15. Wigglytuff (Supporter)

Combining good resistance and mobility numbers, Wigglytuff stands out in terms of support in Pokémon Unite. When used in the middle, this Pokémon can help attackers finish off opponents no matter how complicated they are. It is worth remembering that its attack level is very low, not serving to attack alone. With his Unite Move, Wigglytuff performs the Starlight Recital move, in which he guarantees protection for himself and his companions.

16. Alola (Attacker) Ninetals

Alola Ninetales works great for any offensive situation. Its ranged attacks slow opponents down while dealing a lot of damage, but if it allows the opponent to get too close, this Pokémon's low resistance will be a problem. Use it in the top lane to guarantee damage and, whenever possible, score some goals for your team. His Unite Move is the Snow Globe, a move that surrounds him with a blizzard to freeze the opposing team.

17. Cramorant (Attacker)

Cramorant not only has a lot of charisma, but also a great attack and stamina level. It is true that he is not the best option to support or score goals, but he can knock out many opponents with his attacks. In Pokémon Unite, it's interesting to use it in the top lane to annoy and help the team win. His Unite Move is called Gatling Gulp Missile, a move in which he launches a series of missiles at anyone who approaches him.

18. Gengar (Speedster)

It couldn't be different, Gengar is a powerful tool to score points and knock out opponents. Its excellent attack level and mobility make it a Pokémon to be feared in the arena, even though it is fragile and difficult to command. Of course, first of all it is necessary to evolve Gastly and Haunter, but as soon as the ghost appears, the opposing team will be in trouble. With the help of its Unite Move, Phantom Ambush, this Pokémon becomes invisible, perfect for middle use.

19. Garchomp (All-rounder)

Garchomp is a master of attack and resistance, serving as an important piece to deal damage. His Rough Skin ability makes him hurt opponents that attack him, serving as a scary thing in the arena. Unfortunately, while it doesn't evolve, this Pokémon can fall prey to many knockouts. The ideal is to use it in the middle in Pokémon Unite, because that way you will be able to quickly gather the necessary experience points. His Unite Move is called Livid Outrage, a powerful attack that damages all opponents in its path.

20. Cinderace (Attacker)

This fire Pokémon is a phenomenal attacker, even if it doesn't take much damage. Therefore, you need to be with a defender or supporter constantly in the arena. Run to the top lane and try to evolve Scorbunny as quickly as possible, but in the meantime guarantee the necessary damage to opponents. Cinderace's Unite Move is called Blazing Bicycle Kick, in which he kicks a powerful fireball at opponents for massive damage.

Now that you know the entire cast available at the launch of Pokémon Unite, you can plan ahead and choose the best option for your style of play.

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