Pokémon: Generations may be the Pokémon MMO that people have been waiting for all their lives

    Pokémon: Generations may be the Pokémon MMO that people have been waiting for all their lives

    Everyone who has devoted a few hours, days or months to Pokémon at some point in their lives has already come to terms with the fact that an official MMO of the game will never be a reality. Good thing it has obsessed fans dedicated enough to make that a reality. The first was based on Pokémon Fire Red and therefore had the same style as the classic game. The latest one went a step further: Pokémon: Generations is a 3D third-person RPG that, I believe, is the closest we've ever come to the Pokémon MMO we've dreamed of since we were 11 years old.

    It was created by Xatoku Productions and is based on both the original games and the anime, so it should make the eyes of both older and younger fans shine.

    The PokeGen demo, as it was dubbed, was released on May 31st and is still receiving several updates (expected is one every two weeks). In other words, the game is far, far from complete.

    PokeGen Version 2.0 Trailer – Indie DB

    The download is quick (the file is 2.48 MB) and allows you to test the first functions of the game and get an idea of ​​what it will be like.

    The gameplay isn't the best, but the controls are practically the same as in any MMO: WASD to move, mouse - with click - to move the camera, numbers to release powers. The graphics are reminiscent of the anime, with more of a draft face (and what about Borderlands?). But again, it's a low-budget project with no support from Nintendo, and it's in ~beta of beta~ of beta.

    You can play multiplayer – that's where the MMO part comes in –, but you need a little luck for that. I tested it in single player, even, to see how it is. For now, you're confined to a "backyard" with a few Pokémon that can battle each other.

    And that's where it gets really fun: it's the player who controls the Pokémon during the battle, its moves and moves. The video below shows how this dynamic is:

    The intent, as Xatoku makes clear on its page (practically begging Nintendo not to make them take the game down), is not to make money. But it accepts donations to keep the project going and continue developing it.

    I confess that, as soon as I saw what it was about, I got too excited and I left singing victory; Finally, a Pokémon MMO the way a Pokémon MMO should be! But PokeGen is still far from that. At least it seems to be on the right track.

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