Pokemon Crystal codes and cheats

When we are playing a game that seems to be very difficult, we have the option of using some codes to make our life easier. In my article, I will show all the pokemon crystal codes and cheats that can be used on both Game Boy Color and emulators.

  • Pokémon Gaia codes and cheats
  • How to Mega Evolution in Pokémon Go [Energy & Raids]

Pokemon Crystal codes and cheats

Depending on the version of the Pokémon Crystal ROM you are using, some codes may “crash” the game and corrupt files. So, be aware of using codes with caution, and know that risk always exists. Backup your save files, this prevents you from losing all your progress.

With the warnings given, let's get to what matters, cheats! Infinite life, changing the characteristics of your little monsters, infinite items, are among the codes I'm going to show you.

Pokemon Crystal codes and cheats

Master Ball

Enter the code and go to the market to buy your Master Ball



Walk through walls

Beware of this code, in some locations it can crash your game. Back it up before entering the code and turn it off when not using it.

  • 010AA3CE
  • 010AA4CE
  • 010AA5CE
  • 010AA6CE
  • 9100FAC2
  • 9100FBC2
  • 9100FCC2
  • 9100FDC2

always riding a bike

010182D6 91015DD9

maximum money

  • 019973D5
  • 019974D5
  • 019975D5
  • 910F4ED8
  • 91424FD8
  • 913F50D8

Max Pokeballs

  • Space 1: 0163FED5 9163D9D8
  • Space 2: 016300D6 9163DBD8
  • Space 3: 016302D6 9163DDD8
  • Space 4: 016304D6 9163DFD8
  • Space 5: 016306D6 9163E1D8
  • Space 6: 016308D6 9163E3D8
  • Space 7: 01630AD6 9163E5D8
  • Space 8: 01630CD6 9163E7D8
  • Space 9: 01630ED6 9163E9D8
  • Space 10: 016310D6 9163EBD8
  • Space 11: 016312D6 9163EDD8
  • Space 12: 016314D6 9163EFD8

all medals

  • 01FF7CD5
  • 01FF7DD5
  • 91FF57D8
  • 91FF58D8

shiny pokemon

With this code you will not be able to run away from battles


Turn a normal Pokemon into a shiny one

1º Pokémon01EA3FDA




2º Pokémon01EA6FDA




3º Pokémon01EA9FDA




4º Pokémon01EACFDA




5º Pokémon01EAFFDA




6º Pokémon01EA2FDB




Modify pokemon level

Replace the “xx” with whatever level you want.


infinite experience

With the code your little monster will continue to gain XP until reaching lvl 100 after winning a battle.

  • 014432DA
  • 014433DA
  • 014434DA
  • 9144E7DC
  • 9144E8DC
  • 9144E9DC

Steal Pokemon from another trainer


Instantly hatch egg

  1. Place the egg in the incubator;
  2. Launch Gameshark;
  3. Take a step;
  4. Turn off Gameshark;
  5. Walk about 10 to 40 steps, the egg will hatch.
1st egg010145DA 9101FADC
2st egg010175DA 91012ADD
3st egg0101A5DA 91015ADD
4st egg0101D5DA 91018ADD
5st egg010105DB 9101BADD
6st egg010135DB 9101EADD

Change the opposing Pokémon's gender

The code doesn't work with monsters that only have one gender.

  • Female Face: 010419D1 910430D2
  • Opposite Male: 010519D1 910530D2

Enemy Pokémon status modifier

Replace the “xx” with the corresponding code.


  • 01: SLP (Will agree in the first round).
  • 02: SLP (Will agree no second shift).
  • 03: SLP (Will wake up on the third shift).
  • 04: SLP (Will wake up on the fourth shift).
  • 05: SLP (Will agree not fifth turn).
  • 06: SLP (Will agree not sixth turn).
  • 07: SLP (He will agree on the seventh turn).
  • 08: PSN (Poisoning will only go away when you turn off Gameshark)
  • 0f: PSN + SLP(Disappears when turning off Gameshark)
  • 10: BRN (Disappears when turning off Gameshark)
  • 17: BRN + SLP (Disappears when shutting down Gameshark)
  • 20: FRZ (Disappears when turning off Gameshark)
  • 30: FRZ + BRN (Disappears when turning off Gameshark)
  • 40: PAR (Disappears when turning off Gameshark)

happiness modifier

  • First Pokemon: 01xx45DA 91xxFADC
  • second: 01xx75DA 91xx2ADD
  • Third: 01xxA5DA 91xx5ADD
  • Room: 01xxD5DA 91xx8ADD
  • Fifth: 01xx05DB 91xxBADD
  • Sixth: 01xx35DB 91xxEADD

Replace the “xx” with the corresponding code.

00: (0) Your Pokémon hates you (Base Frustration at 102.);

46: (70) Number corresponding to capturing or acquiring new Pokémon;

DA: (218) Requirement for evolution for happiness;

FF: (255) Maximum.

Modify Status

first pokemon

  • Max Attack (Major) 010350DA 910305DD
  • Max Attack (Minor) 01E751DA 91E706DD
  • Max Defense (Major) 010352DA 910307DD
  • Max Defense (Minor) 01E753DA 91E708DD
  • Max Speed ​​(Highest) 010354DA 910309DD
  • Max Speed ​​(Lower) 01E755DA 91E70ADD
  • Max Special Attack (Major) 010356DA 91030BDD
  • Max Special Attack (Minor) 01E757DA 91E70CDD
  • Max Special Defense (Major) 010358DA 91030DDD
  • Max Special Defense (Minor) 01E759DA 91E70EDD

Second Pokémon

  • Max Attack (Major) 010380DA 910335DD
  • Max Attack (Minor) 01E781DA 91E736DD
  • Max Defense (Major) 010382DA 910337DD
  • Max Defense (Minor) 01E783DA 91E738DD
  • Max Speed ​​(Highest) 010384DA 910339DD
  • Max Speed ​​(Lower) 01E785DA 91E73ADD
  • Max Special Attack (Major) 010386DA 91033BDD
  • Max Special Attack (Minor) 01E787DA 91E73CDD
  • Max Special Defense (Major) 010388DA 91033DDD
  • Max Special Defense (Minor) 01E789DA 91E73EDD

third pokemon

  • Max Attack (Major) 0103B0DA 910365DD
  • Max Attack (Minor) 01E7B1DA 91E766DD
  • Max Defense (Major) 0103B2DA 910367DD
  • Max Defense (Minor) 01E7B3DA 91E768DD
  • Max Speed ​​(Highest) 0103B4DA 910369DD
  • Max Speed ​​(Lower) 01E7B5DA 91E76ADD
  • Max Special Attack (Major) 0103B6DA 91036BDD
  • Max Special Attack (Minor) 01E7B7DA 91E76CDD
  • Max Special Defense (Major) 0103B8DA 91036DDD
  • Max Special Defense (Minor) 01E7B9DA 91E76EDD

pokemon room

  • Max Attack (Major) 0103E0DA 910395DD
  • Max Attack (Minor) 01E7E1DA 91E796DD
  • Max Defense (Major) 0103E2DA 910397DD
  • Max Defense (Minor) 01E7E3DA 91E798DD
  • Max Speed ​​(Highest) 0103E4DA 910399DD
  • Max Speed ​​(Lower) 01E7E5DA 91E79ADD
  • Max Special Attack (Major) 0103E6DA 91039BDD
  • Max Special Attack (Minor) 01E7E7DA 91E79CDD
  • Max Special Defense (Major) 0103E8DA 91039DDD
  • Max Special Defense (Minor) 01E7E9DA 91E79EDD

fifth pokemon

  • Max Attack (Major) 010310DB 9103C5DD
  • Max Attack (Minor) 01E711DB 91E7C6DD
  • Max Defense (Major) 010312DB 9103C7DD
  • Max Defense (Minor) 01E713DB 91E7C8DD
  • Max Speed ​​(Highest) 010314DB 9103C9DD
  • Max Speed ​​(Lower) 01E715DB 91E7CADD
  • Max Special Attack (Major) 010316DB 9103CBDD
  • Max Special Attack (Minor) 01E717DB 91E7CCDD
  • Max Special Defense (Major) 010318DB 9103CDDD
  • Max Special Defense (Minor) 01E719DB 91E7CEDD

sixth pokemon

  • Max Attack (Major) 010340DB 9103F5DD
  • Max Attack (Minor) 01E741DB 91E7F6DD
  • Max Defense (Major) 010342DB 9103F7DD
  • Max Defense (Minor) 01E743DB 91E7F8DD
  • Max Speed ​​(Highest) 010344DB 9103F9DD
  • Max Speed ​​(Lower) 01E745DB 91E7FADD
  • Max Special Attack (Major) 010346DB 9103FBDD
  • Max Special Attack (Minor) 01E747DB 91E7FCDD
  • Max Special Defense (Major) 010348DB 9103FDDD
  • Max Special Defense (Minor) 01E749DB 91E7FEDD

Fight any Pokemon

Replace the “xx” with the corresponding monster code.


  • 01: Bulbasaur
  • 02: Ivysaur
  • 03: Venusaur
  • 04: Charmander
  • 05: Charmeleon
  • 06: Charizard
  • 07: Squirtle
  • 08: Wartortle
  • 09: Blastoise
  • 0A: Caterpie
  • 0B: Metapod
  • 0C: Butterfree
  • 0D: Weedle
  • 0E: Grandfather
  • 0F: Beedrill
  • 10: Pidgey
  • 11: Pidgeotto
  • 12: Pidgeot
  • 13: Rattata
  • 14: Raticate
  • 15: Spearow
  • 16: Fearow
  • 17: Ekans
  • 18: Arbok
  • 19: Pikachu
  • 1A: Raichu
  • 1B: Sandshrew
  • 1C: Sandslash
  • 1D: Nidoran Female
  • 1E: Nidorina
  • 1F: Nidoqueen
  • 20: Nidoran Male
  • 21: Nidorino
  • 22: nidoking
  • 23: Clefairy
  • 24: Clefable
  • 25: Vulpix
  • 26: Ninetails
  • 27: Jigglypuff
  • 28: Wigglytuff
  • 29: Tooth
  • 2A: Golbat
  • 2B: Oddish
  • 2C: Gloom
  • 2D: Vileplume
  • 2E: Best
  • 2F: Parasect
  • 30: Venonat
  • 31: Venomoth
  • 32: Diglett
  • 33: Dugtrio
  • 34: Meowth
  • 35: Persian
  • 36: Psyduck
  • 37: Golduck
  • 38: Mankey
  • 39: Primeape
  • 3A: Growlithe
  • 3B: Arcanine
  • 3C: Poliwag
  • 3D: Poliwhirl
  • 3E: Poliwrath
  • 3F: Open
  • 40: Cadabra
  • 41: Alakazam
  • 42: Machop
  • 43: Machoke
  • 44: Machamp
  • 45: Bellsprout
  • 46: Weepinbell
  • 47: Victreebell
  • 48: Tentacool
  • 49: Tentacruel
  • 4A: Geodude
  • 4B: Graveler
  • 4C: Golem
  • 4D: Ponyta
  • 4E: Rapidash
  • 4F: Slowpoke
  • 50: Slowbro
  • 51: Magnemite
  • 52: Magneton
  • 53: Farfetch'd
  • 54: Doduo
  • 55: Dodrio
  • 56: Seal
  • 57: Dewgong
  • 58: Grimer
  • 59: Muk
  • 5A: Shellder
  • 5B: Cloyster
  • 5C: Gastly
  • 5D: Haunter
  • 5E: Gengar
  • 5F: Onix
  • 60: Drowzee
  • 61: Hypno
  • 62: Krabby
  • 63: Kingler
  • 64: Voltorb
  • 65: Electrode
  • 66: Exeggcute
  • 67: Executor
  • 68: Cubone
  • 69: Marowak
  • 6A: Hitmonlee
  • 6B: Hitmonchan
  • 6C: Lickitung
  • 6D: Koffing
  • 6E: Weezing
  • 6F: Rhyhorn
  • 70: Rhydon
  • 71: Chansey
  • 72: Tangela
  • 73: Kangaskhan
  • 74: Horsea
  • 75: Seadra
  • 76: Goldeen
  • 77: Seaking
  • 78: Staryu
  • 79: Starmie
  • 7A: Mr. Mime
  • 7B: Scyther
  • 7C: Jynx
  • 7D: Electabuzz
  • 7E: Magmar
  • 7F: Pinsir
  • 80: Taurus
  • 81: Magikarp
  • 82: Gyarados
  • 83: Lapras
  • 84: Ditto
  • 85: Eevee
  • 86: Vaporeon
  • 87: Jolteon
  • 88: Flareon
  • 89: Porygon
  • 8A: Omanyte
  • 8B: Omastar
  • 8C: Kabuto
  • 8D: Kabutops
  • 8E: Aerodactyl
  • 8F: Snorlax
  • 90: Articuno
  • 91: Zapdos
  • 92: Moltres
  • 93: Dratini
  • 94: Dragonair
  • 95: Dragonite
  • 96: Mewtwo
  • 97: Mew
  • 98: Chikorita
  • 99: Bayleef
  • 9A: Meganium
  • 9B: Cyndaquil
  • 9C: Quilava
  • 9D: Typhlosion
  • 9E: Totodile
  • 9F: Croconaw
  • A0: Feraligatr
  • A1: Center
  • A2: Furret
  • A3: Hoothoot
  • A4: Noctowl
  • A5: Ladyba
  • A6:Ledian
  • A7: Spinarak
  • A8: Ariados
  • A9: Crobat
  • AA: Chinchou
  • AB: Lanturn
  • AC: Pichu
  • AD: Cleffa
  • AE: Igglybuff
  • AF: Togepi
  • B0: Togetic
  • B1: Nature
  • B2: Chat
  • B3: Mareep
  • B4: Flaaffy
  • B5: Ampharos
  • B6: Bellossom
  • B7: Marill
  • B8: Azumaril
  • B9: Sudowoodo
  • BA: Politoed
  • BB: Hoppip
  • BC: Skiploom
  • BD: Jumpluff
  • BE: Aipom
  • BF: Sunkern
  • C0: Sunflora
  • C1: Combustion
  • C2: Wooper
  • C3: Quagsire
  • C4: Espeon
  • C5: Umbreon
  • C6: Murkrow
  • C7: Slowking
  • C8: Misdreavus
  • C9: Unown (Appears in any form)
  • CA: Wobbuffet
  • CB: Giraffe
  • CC: Pineco
  • CD: Forretress
  • CE: Dunsparce
  • CF: Gligar
  • D0: Steelix
  • D1: Snubbull
  • D2: Granbull
  • D3: Qwilfish
  • D4: Scizor
  • D5: Shuckle
  • D6: Heracross
  • D7: Sneasel
  • D8: Teddiursa
  • D9: Ursaring
  • DA: Slugma
  • DB: Magcargo
  • DC: Swinub
  • DD: Piloswine
  • DE: Corsola
  • DF: Remoraid
  • E0: Octillery
  • E1: Delibird
  • E2: Mantine
  • E3: Skarmory
  • E4: Houndour
  • E5: Houndoom
  • E6: Kingdra
  • E7: Phanpy
  • E8: Donphan
  • E9: Porygon2
  • EA: Stantler
  • EB: Smeargle
  • EC: Tyrogue
  • ED: Hitmontop
  • EE: Smoochum
  • EF: Elekid
  • F0: Magby
  • F1: Miltank
  • F2: Blissey
  • F3: Raikou
  • F4: Entei
  • F5: Suicide
  • F6: Larvitar
  • F7: Pupitar
  • F8: Tyranitar
  • F9: Lugia
  • FA: Ho-oh
  • FB: Celebi

Main item modification

To enable key item scrolling:

  1. This code must be active for main item modifier codes;
  2. Enter the code so you can scroll down to all items;
  3. Replace xx with the number of key item slots you are using (legal digits range from 01 to 0C).
  4. Enable Scroll: 01xxE1D5 91xxBCD8

Space 1: 01xxE2D5 91xxBDD8

Space 2: 01xxE3D5 91xxBED8

Space 3: 01xxE4D5 91xxBFD8

Espaço 4: 01xxE5D5 91xxC0D8

Espaço 5: 01xxE6D5 91xxC1D8

Espaço 6: 01xxE7D5 91xxC2D8

Espaço 7: 01xxE8D5 91xxC3D8

Espaço 8: 01xxE9D5 91xxC4D8

Space 9: 01xxEAD5 91xxC5D8

Space 10: 01xxEBD5 91xxC6D8

Space 11: 01xxECD5 91xxC7D8

Space 12: 01xxEDD5 91xxC8D8

Replace the “xx” with the corresponding codes

  • 07 – Bicycle
  • 36 – Coin Case
  • 37 – Itemfinder
  • 3A – Old Rod
  • 3B – Good Rod
  • 3D - Super Rod
  • 42 – Red Scale
  • 44 – S.S. Ticket
  • 45 – Mystery Egg
  • 46 – Clear Bell (Crystal only)
  • 47 – Silver Wing
  • 73 – GS Ball (Crystal only)
  • 74 – Blue Card (Crystal only)
  • 7F – Card Key
  • 80 – Machine Part
  • 81 – Egg Ticket (Crystal only)
  • 85 – Basement Key
  • 86 – Pass
  • AF - Squirtbottle
  • B2 – Rainbow Wing

Hope I helped Pokemon Crystal fans with these codes and cheats. Don't use too many at the same time to avoid crashing your game. Good games!

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