How to play Pokemon GO [Beginners Guide]

Pokémon GO is a free augmented reality game for smartphones and the main game in the franchise for Android or iOS (iPhone). Although the mechanics are different from other Nintendo console titles, it is possible to battle in gyms, find Shiny and even trade with friends. Check out the main topics of Pokémon GO and learn how to play, or rather, be a respected trainer.

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How to play Pokemon GO [Beginners Guide]

Pokemon GO (Image: Publicity/Pokémon GO)

About Pokémon GO

Pokémon GO was launched in July 2016, under the umbrella of Niantic — a startup that was born from Google and left the company in 2015 —, Nintendo and The Pokémon Company.

Like Ingress, another game published by Niantic, Pokémon GO is based on augmented reality and geolocation. The virtual world is combined with the real one and, in addition to the map, the player can use the camera to unite the elements.

How to play Pokemon GO [Beginners Guide]

Niantic (Image: Publicity/Pokémon GO)

1. How to start playing Pokémon GO

It is necessary to understand that there is a difference between the games of the Pokémon franchise, released for Nintendo consoles (Game Boy, DS, Switch…) and the GO. Instead of walking with the character and following a chronological line of events on the journey (visiting cities, facing gyms, reaching the Pokémon League), there is no narrative to be followed, nor having controls for the character's movement.

Anyone can play Pokémon GO as long as they have a compatible smartphone with internet access (in addition to Wi-Fi). Android 6 or higher or iOS 12 or higher is required. It can be downloaded for free from the App Store or Play Store. Once downloaded, just create an account with email, Facebook or Google and start the journey.

2. How do I walk in Pokémon GO?

There is no way to “walk” in Pokémon GO. As the game is based on geolocation, the player must move around in the real world for the character to move in the game. With this, in addition to the appearance of Pokémon, other elements such as gyms and PokéStops (the blue totems) are discovered.

3. Catching the Pokemon

In "traditional" games of the Pokémon franchise, when encountering a species in the wild (wild) it is necessary to battle with this little monster (using the one received at the beginning of the game), to weaken it and then throw the Poké Ball. That's not what happens in Pokémon GO.

How to play Pokemon GO [Beginners Guide]

Catching Pokémon (Image: Publicity/Pokémon GO)

In the smartphone version, when you see a Pokémon on the map, just tap on it and the capture step begins. Then, the player must throw the Poké Ball (drag using the finger) to hit the Pokémon.

When the Poké Ball is held (holding the touch) a circle appears. By hitting the ball inside this target (the smaller the better) the greater the chances of success in capturing the Pokémon.

How to play Pokemon GO [Beginners Guide]

Capture circle (Image: Playback/Pokémon GO)

Pokemon with high CP levels (more on that later, it's that number that comes up) are harder to catch. In these cases, it is necessary to use fruits or other types of balls to increase the chances of success.

4. How to get items in Pokemon GO

Items are as essential as Pokémon in the game. After all, from them it is possible to capture more species, heal those used after battles, evolve some special ones, among other functions.

To get items in the game, it is necessary to visit the PokéStops (or Pokéstops) — they are those blue totems that appear on the map. By clicking on them, when next, just spin the dial to get the reward. There is a cooldown before the player can spin it again.

How to play Pokemon GO [Beginners Guide]

PokéStops are the blue totems on the map (Image: Publicity/Pokémon GO)

Gyms also grant items. After accessing them, when close, just tap the Pokéstop icon, in the right corner, to see the spin the dial function.

Items are also the main reward for quests - these are available from the binoculars menu in the lower right corner of the screen.

5. Leveling up

Almost every action in Pokémon GO generates experience: catching Pokémon, battling in gyms, spinning Pokéstops, completing quests, evolving, discovering new species. Some tasks generate more experience than others.

The first levels are easier. The path starts to get difficult around level 30. The maximum is 50 and believe me: it's a lot of game until then.

By advancing a level, the player gets some rewards in items and can strengthen their Pokémon, making their CP a little higher.

6. Gyms, raids and combat

Gyms are one of the main elements of Pokémon GO. In them, dominations by the starting teams occur (Mystic, Valor and Instintic, chosen at the beginning of the game). Three situations occur:

  1. If a gym is already dominated by the team chosen by the player, it may be possible to place one more Pokémon there (if it is not already at maximum capacity) to defend the gym. Opponents (from the opposing team) must defeat these Pokémon to claim the gym. A player who spins their team's gym disc also receives more items;
  2. If a gym is dominated by the enemy team, the player can choose to just spin the dial to get some items or battle for dominance of the gym;
  3. If a gym is gray, it means it's empty and just deposit some Pokemon there.

Pokémon that go to gyms are not lost. They return as soon as another trainer battles to claim that spot and defeat the team that is there.

Combat is basic: with a “fast” and a “charged” attack. But what remains true to the other games in the franchise are the types of blows and weaknesses and resistances among Pokémon - example: a grass attack is effective against water species.

The raids are also in the gyms, but for a specific period. They are the coming together of the Pokémon GO community to defeat a “boss”. There are four types: one-, three-, or five-star (the latter for Legendaries) and megarides (for mega-evolved Pokémon).

How to play Pokemon GO [Beginners Guide]

Raids (Image: Playback/Pokémon GO)

To battle, you must have a pass (either common or ranged) and the higher the raid level, the more players it takes to defeat the Pokémon. Usually, only those of one star can be made individually.

7. Evolve and Empower Pokémon

Pokémon appear in the wild at random. They can have a high or low CP (Combat Points), but there is a cap based on the player's level. As you advance in experience, you can power up Pokémon to make them stronger.

The power up option is found when opening a Pokémon's detail page. However, to increase the CP, it is necessary to consume Stardust and Candies of that kind. The first resource is obtained from captures and missions, while the second is obtained only from captures of the same Pokémon or its evolutionary line.

How to play Pokemon GO [Beginners Guide]

Power up Pokémon (Image: Playback/Pokémon GO)

Candies are also used for evolutions, when adding the amount needed to evolve the species, just select the option and wait for the animation. There are some patterns:

  • Pokemon with three evolutionary stages need 125 candies to evolve from the first to the last stage (25 for the first form and 100 for the second);
  • Pokémon with two evolutionary stages need 50 candies.

There are exceptions, such as those who need 100 candies (Feebas) or those who need 400 (Magikarp and Wailmer). These requirements are stated on each Pokémon's page.

8. Coins and store

Pokémon GO is free, but has in-app purchases. Although no one is forced to spend money to play, there are items sold in the store that help you level up faster - whether to gain more experience, Poké Balls, to catch more Pokémon if you're not near a PokéStop or event tickets, to access special missions with “premium” rewards.

However, in addition to real money, coins can be obtained from gyms. If a player manages to place a Pokémon to defend the location, they can earn up to 50 coins per day.

9. Enjoy Pokémon GO Quests and Events

Quests come and go in Pokémon GO. Whether to celebrate a specific date (Halloween, Christmas, New Year, franchise anniversary) or the arrival of a new feature in the game. It's the best way to get good rewards, including Legendary and Mythical Pokémon.

Events are also scheduled (and usually linked to quests), making themed species appear more often. For example, on Halloween, ghost Pokemon are most often seen.

Community Day is one of the main events in Pokémon GO, as it takes place every month. In it, one or more species appear more frequently and it becomes easy to find a Shiny Pokémon.

How to play Pokemon GO [Beginners Guide]

Illustrative image of Community Day (Image: Publicity/Pokémon GO)

10. How to play Pokemon GO with friends

Gameplay with friends is interesting but not satisfying. Even though it's an online game, neither player can see the other on the map. In order to trade Pokémon, battle or send gifts (another way to obtain items), you must have friends added - this is done on the player's profile page, in the lower left corner of the screen.

With friends it is also possible to battle in raids, especially the more difficult ones (three or five stars), which will need more players to complete within the set time.

Although not ideal, friendships are essential for the completion of some missions. Trading Pokémon or sending gifts are required tasks for some rewards.

How to play Pokemon GO [Beginners Guide]

Friends list (Image: Publicity/Pokémon GO)

Pokémon GO is a game for all audiences, including levels of complexity. There is much more to explore and the game itself instructs the player in some of the new discoveries. Eggs, Battle League competitive mode, Team GO Rocket, better combinations of fast and charged attacks, strategic teams, IVs of a Pokémon are examples of what can be found. It's up to the coach to venture out.

Here in the funnygameszone, we have prepared some other articles to help you play Pokémon GO and clarify other matters:

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  • How to Mega Evolution in Pokémon Go [Energy & Raids]
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  • What is Lucky Pokémon in Pokémon Go
  • How to trade in Pokemon Go
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