Roblox will limit children's access to games with explicit content

Roblox intends to include content rating features in games and facilitate parental controls to limit children's access to inappropriate content on the platform. The information was disclosed by the developer's privacy director, Remy Malan, in an interview with The Wall Street Journal. Roblox Corporation, however, has not yet announced when these new tools arrive in the app.

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Roblox will limit children's access to games with explicit content

Roblox (Image: Disclosure / Roblox)

According to The Wall Street Journal, games with graphic images can appear among Roblox's recommended content, even on underage user accounts. Currently, it is not possible to view information about games before opening an online session. This means that a child can walk into a room that looks harmless on the outside, but with inappropriate pictures on the inside.

There is an option on the platform where those responsible can only allow access to games marked by the developer as appropriate for children, but only about 1 titles among the millions published are on this list.

It is worth mentioning that Roblox has around 30 million active users per day, half of which are under the age of 13. With the new tools, the idea is to further limit children's access to games with explicit materials and allow parents to have more control over game content.

Malan did not say when the new parental control features will take effect. According to the director, the games in Roblox are already classified by a team of more than 2 thousand people, in addition to an artificial intelligence that does this work automatically.

How does Roblox work?

Roblox is, to date, the largest online gaming platform in the world. The application has about 32,6 million daily active users and more than 20 million different games available, according to data from the developer. These titles are created by the tool users themselves.

In addition to playing, it is also possible to communicate with other people through the app. Due to Minecraft-like graphics and simple gameplay, Roblox is quite popular with kids. Currently, the platform has millions of users under the age of 13 — the minimum age to create an account on the platform, according to the terms of use.

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