Roblox and more games help psychologists treat anxiety in children

In addition to being fun, video games are being used by mental health professionals to treat anxiety and depression in children. Couples and family psychologist Monet Goldman, a California resident, incorporated Roblox platform games into his sessions and, as a result, was able to connect with his patients in a virtual and interactive way.

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Roblox and more games help psychologists treat anxiety in children
Roblox (Image: Handout/Roblox Corporation)

It is common for children to feel intimidated or anxious in therapy sessions, after all it is an unfamiliar environment for them. The situation tends to get worse when the meeting with the psychologist needs to be virtual, due to the limitations imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic, for example.

In a Zoom session with two kids, Goldman found himself in a tricky position. The two boys didn't want to talk and had their cameras turned off all the time. To break the ice, the psychologist asked both youngsters what their favorite Roblox game was.

After a while, one of the boys answered “Brookhaven” — a roleplaying game that takes place in a very busy city — and began to feel more comfortable talking to the psychologist about the game. From then on, Goldman decided to take his office inside Roblox and serve children inside the virtual world.

Using their avatars and being in a familiar place, children are more comfortable and are able to talk more easily about their problems and feelings. Today, Goldman has even used this type of virtual service to talk to teenagers and adults who feel safer within virtual worlds.

Use of games to treat anxiety still divides opinion

Even with these positive results from Goldman, video games still divide opinion among psychologists and psychiatrists around the world. In an interview with Wired, psychologist and author of the book Understanding Bipolar Disorder, Aimee Daramus, explains that "games are able to attract and hold people's attention", helping to control distressing thoughts.

During his own sessions, for example, Daramus encourages his patients to play a little video game to relax. In addition, a study published in 2017 in the journal Prevention Science proved that the MindLight game was able to help in the treatment of anxiety in children. Another research, from East Carolina University, showed that games can be even more effective than drugs.

Roblox and more games help psychologists treat anxiety in children
MindLight is a game that uses the player's mind as a control (Image: Disclosure/PlayNice)

On the other hand, some professionals do not agree with this practice and are concerned about the possible harms of video games, such as addiction and prolonged exposure to screens. In China, for example, the government limited children's play time to just three hours a week and only on weekends.

In addition to the Chinese, psychologists from other countries share this same view. Larry Rosen, professor in the Department of Psychology at California State University, and Dominguez Hills, co-author of the book The Distracted Mind: Ancient Brains in a High-Tech World, explain that video games can cause behavioral changes that lead to addiction.

When playing games, our bodies release neurotransmitters like dopamine, serotonin, and other mood-enhancing substances, causing addiction. And the companies responsible for creating the games take advantage of this to keep you playing — and spending money, as a result.

In any case, there is still no consensus on the relationship between video games and mental health. Any other activity that stimulates our brain can also cause addiction when done in excess. Therefore, it is always important to find a balance and follow up with a professional.

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