What are workplace blocks in Minecraft?

Minecraft has an extensive crafting and building system that can do everything from scratch. Here's all about the workplace blocks in Minecraft that can turn villagers into a worker villager with an occupation.

Villagers are one of the neutral mobs in the game that do not attack players. They are found in Villages, which are a natural spawning structure, and can trade with the player according to the job they have. However, players can also control the job they choose by presenting them with certain blocks in the game.

These blocks are used by players in tasks, but are also known as workplace blocks in Minecraft, which can give an unemployed villager a job and the means to trade!

Minecraft Workplace Blocks: All Listed

What are workplace blocks in Minecraft?
Workplace blocks in Minecraft (

There are a total of 13 villager jobs in Minecraft and 2 states that are not counted as jobs and this can change the trade items in the UI and also their appearance.

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Players simply need to place any of the mentioned workplace blocks in Minecraft near an unemployed villager to change their occupation to the block's properties.

Gunsmith: Blast furnace

Villager Gunsmiths sells chain mail armor, armor items and can be transformed using a blast furnace.

Butcher: Smoker

Players can obtain meat and cooked meat from this villager using emeralds.

Cartographer: Cartography Table

Cartography Villagers can be found near a Cartography Table and can trade maps and treasure maps with players.

Cleric: beer booth

The Cleric is a rare job that sells magic items and o'Enchanting Bottles that give EXP!

Farmer: Composter

Farmer will give players advanced and complex food items and also some cool beer ingredients.

Angler: Barrel

The village fishermen will sell fish and also fishing rods for the player to buy some emeralds.

Fletcher: fletching table

The Fletcher is an odd occupation, but it has a variety of useful items. They sell pointed arrows, bows and flintlocks!

What are workplace blocks in Minecraft?
Workplace blocks in Minecraft (

Leather: Cauldron

Leather artisans are responsible for giving players leather armor, saddles, and even horse armor.

Librarian: Pulpit

Librarians are the most sought after job in Minecraft and can give enchanted books and evasion badges. Players need a pulpit workplace block.

Mason: Stonecutter

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Mason Villagers will give players pre-cut stone bricks and can exchange them for emeralds.

Shepherd: Loom

They specialize in dyed wool clothing, paintings and even wool blocks. Loom can be used to turn unemployed villagers into Shepards.

Toolsmith: Smithing Table

Blacksmiths distribute enchanted tools and normal tools to players.

Gunsmith: Grindstone

Gunsmiths are great at selling weapons like swords, axes, and even selling diamond weapons.

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