What are Bottle o' Enchanting in Minecraft?

Minecraft has several aspects that keep players coming back to use it and there is a lot to do too. We take a look at Bottle o' Enchanting in Minecraft and its uses.

Minecraft has one of the widest variety of items found in any game in the world. This is because it is a sandbox game and players can make a lot of items. Crafting is an important aspect and players need to make useful items and accessories to keep progressing in the game.

Here's a lesser-known item called Bottle o' Enchanting in Minecraft, which is rare and hard to find in the world.

Enchanter bottle in Minecraft

What are Bottle o' Enchanting in Minecraft?
Enchanter bottle in Minecraft

The Bottle o' Enchanting is a simple bottle filled with EXP Orbs that players can consume to gain levels!

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While Minecraft doesn't have any level restrictions for building things or progressing through the game, the Enchanting Aspect costs EXP.

Enchanting in Minecraft is used to magically imbue items, weapons, and armor with properties that will make them stronger, more effective, and better overall. These enchantments are absolutely necessary towards the end of the game and can be used to defeat strong bosses at the end of the game.

Enchanting consumes the levels players gain by killing mobs, farming or breaking blocks and uses them to enchant. Therefore, a constant supply of EXP orbs is absolutely necessary for players who are considering tackling the end game.

Where to find Bottle o' Enchanting?

Bottle o' Enchanting in Minecraft can be found in the following locations:

  • In the Java version, they usually appear in chests of marauder Outposts and Wrecks.
  • In the Bedrock edition, they appear in chests found in Buried Treasures, Platoon Outposts, and Shipwrecks.
  • In both versions, Master-level village clerics sell these bottles for 3 Emeralds.

How to use Bottle o' Enchanting?

What are Bottle o' Enchanting in Minecraft?
EXP orbs (

The Bottle o' Enchanting drops 3-11 EXP orbs for players to consume.

Upon obtaining a Bottle, players must hold it in their hands and throw it using the use button and break it. This leaves EXP orbs on the ground and players can automatically pick them up.

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