Minecraft Fungus: Variants, Uses, and More!

Minecraft has many items that grow naturally in the Overworld that players can use in their recipes. Among them, we take a look at Minecraft Fungus and all its variants and uses in the game!

Overview Minecraft Fungus Fungus Variants Locations Uses for Fungus

Players can find a wide variety of vegetation in the game, from very tall trees to small herbs and bushes. Yours exist to help the player with some recipes and all are useful for one purpose or another. Among them, mushrooms and fungi have a wide variety of applications and let's take a look at the latter.

Here are all the features of Minecraft Fungus and its variants.

Minecraft Fungus

Minecraft Fungus: Variants, Uses, and More!
Minecraft Fungus

The fungus is a mushroom block that can be found in the Nether biome. They are the same as mushrooms found in the overworld.

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Fungus Variants

Minecraft Fungus: Variants, Uses, and More!
Minecraft Fungus

Minecraft fungus is marked by its appearance and is divided into two varinats:

  • Crimson Fungi: These are red mushroom-like fungi with orange and yellow spots on top.
  • Warped Fungi: These are turquoise in color and have a cross-shaped pattern. They also have orange markings on the top.


They are found in Crimson Forests and Twisted Forests in the Nether realm. Both variants can be found in both zones, but crimson fungi are more common in crimson forests and warped fungi in warped forests.

They can also be found inside Bastion Remnants chests in Hoglin's Stables.

These can be easily collected by breaking them by hand or with any tool.

Uses for Fungi

To make Big Fungi

By growing them using bone meal, a small fungus will grow into its tall variant. They will grow on crimson and deformed Huge fungi, respectively.

To create Hoglins and pilgrims

Minecraft Fungus: Variants, Uses, and More!

Crimson Fungi can also be used to breed hoglins, but at the same time cannot stop them from being aggressive towards the player.

Warped Fungi can be used to breed Pilgrims or lead them with a warped fungus on a stick.


Minecraft Fungus: Variants, Uses, and More!
Warped Fungus on a Stick

They are used to create Warped Fungus on a stick so players can control Pilgrim's movements.


When added to a Composter, they have a 65% chance to level up by one.

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