The 5 worst biomes to spawn in Minecraft

When players open Minecraft and jump into a new survival game, many ideal biomes come to mind. Many biomes in Minecraft are ideal for players to spawn in, as they are usually filled with trees, lots of naturally generated caves, and even naturally generated villages.

Summary Worst Biomes in Minecraft #5 โ€“ Extreme Hills #4 โ€“ Taiga #3 โ€“ Snowy Tundra #2 โ€“ Gravel Mountains #1 โ€“ Ocean

However, there are some unfortunate players who spawn in biomes that are sterile and unable to provide support immediately after spawning. Listed below are the 5 worst biomes for players to spawn when playing Minecraft.

Worst biomes in Minecraft

# 5 โ€“ Extreme Hills

The 5 worst biomes to spawn in Minecraft

The Extreme Hills biome is considered the normal variant of the mountain. It's quite stripped down, as the biome features a lot of stone and grass terrain, and some oak and spruce, although there aren't many of them. In addition to being mostly empty, extreme hills are also challenging to climb and can be dangerous in places, making it an unpleasant biome to spawn.

# 4 โ€“ Taiga

The 5 worst biomes to spawn in Minecraft

The taiga biome in Minecraft is a cooler, denser counterpart to the regular forest biomes. In the taiga, only spruces spawn, and they are taller than they are wide, which can make mining materials difficult. One of the main reasons players may not want to spawn in this biome is because it is dense enough for players to get lost.

# 3 โ€“ Snowy Tundra

The 5 worst biomes to spawn in Minecraft

In Minecraft, Snowy Tundras are an unusual biome with snow and ice, where trees and other items appear infrequently, causing the landscape to be almost bare. Lakes and waterways are also unusual as they freeze almost instantly, meaning materials like sugar cane cannot be generated naturally or when planted. Because of the cold and empty landscape, this biome is not ideal.

#2 โ€“ Gravel Mountains

The 5 worst biomes to spawn in Minecraft

Gravel mountains (or gravel hills) are a rare mountain variant in which gravel replaces the top layers of a mountain rather than the usual stone and grass. As gravel replaces most of the grass, the trees are very few and far between, making the biome relatively barren, which in turn makes it a bad biome for players to spawn in.

# 1 โ€“ Ocean

The 5 worst biomes to spawn in Minecraft

Any Minecraft player knows that spawning in the middle of the ocean is the worst thing ever. There is no land (unless the player is lucky) and even then small islands will rarely have trees. With no trees or land in sight, players usually end the game and start a new one, though some are willing to take on the challenge of spawning in the ocean.

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