The 5 most important items to build in Minecraft Survival!

Minecraft has a ton of items players can build in the game and they serve a variety of purposes. Here, we learn about the 5 most important items to build in Minecraft Survival as soon as players enter the game!

Summary 5 most important items to build in Minecraft Survival 5 # Weapons 4 # Armor 3 # Work Tools 2 # Torches (any light source) 1 # A Shelter Honorable mentions

Minecraft has two modes that are the most popular, besides Modified Minecraft. These are the Survival and Creative modes in regular Minecraft. Creative Mode allows for boundary testing and creative building, while Survival is more geared towards, well, Survival.

We take a look at the 5 most important items to build in Minecraft Survival mode to survive effectively!

5 most important items to build in Minecraft Survival

The 5 most important items to build in Minecraft Survival!
important items to build in Minecraft Survival

Survival mode requires players to enter a world full of opportunity and danger with nothing, and make their place in it. Players can often face many dangers from deadly monsters and biomes and it is overall a challenging game mode.

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5 # weapons

Weapons (

Swords, bows, crossbows, tridents and ax are all weapons that are currently in the game. They have high damage and while the sword and ax are exclusively melee combat, the bows and crossbows are ranged. The game also has a combination of both, with the Tridents!

What I mean is, to protect themselves from monsters, players need to craft any weapon as soon as they get to the game. Swords are the top choice for new players and can be used to defend yourself and kill mobs to stay safe or collect items!

4 # Armor

The 5 most important items to build in Minecraft Survival!
Netherite Armor (

The fourth most important item to build in Minecraft Survival includes all Minecraft Armor. Mobs in Minecraft, both monsters and hostile mobs, do high damage and in Survival players have limited hearts!

Once killed, players can lose items or even lose the game in Hardcore mode. However, wearing a layer of armor ensures that the damage taken is minimal and the player doesn't die easily!

Players build anything from basic Leather Armor to the strongest Netherite Armor.

3 # Work Tools

Minecraft work tools include the following:

  • Ax (for cutting wood)
  • Pickaxe (to extract stone blocks)
  • Shovel (to extract dirt-like blocks)
  • Hoe (to create farmland)

These are some of the most important items players need to fix when entering the game. Otherwise, players cannot mine, cut or even farm and cannot obtain the materials needed to craft items.

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The efficiency of these items is also based on the material used in their manufacture.

2# Torches (any light source)

The 5 most important items to build in Minecraft Survival!
Torch Recipe (

This is one of the most overlooked items in the game, which can save lives early in the game. A torch or light source is absolutely essential, as monsters tend to spawn in low-light locations.

Some of the common and uncommon light sources include:

  • Torches / Soul Torch
  • bonfires
  • Lanterns
  • sea ​​lanterns

There are far fewer sources of natural light in Minecraft at night and this can lead to hordes of monsters appearing and killing the player! Having any light source prevents this and players can also protect their homes using this.

1#A Coat

Houses (

This should be the top priority for the player when entering the world, which is to find or build a safe place to stay. A safe haven with torches can ensure players stay safe at night and also craft and build without any intrusion.

Players can build small houses using commonly found items like wood and stone or find a simple cave and light it with torches to make a cozy home!

These are the 5 most important items to build in Minecraft Survival, but there are also some honorable mentions, without which the list is not complete.

Honorable mentions

  • Craft table
  • Bed
  • Chests

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