Minecraft Snapshot 21w42a (Java Update): A Music Update!

Minecraft is releasing new updates one after another, and the new Minecraft Snapshot 21w42a introduces a musical twist to the game. It includes some new tracks that players can play on the Jukebox and is a feature of Lena Raine and Kumi Tanioka.

Snapshots are a feature that developers release and players can test some features that will be released later. The new snapshot is for Caves and Cliffs Part II and is called 21w42a. It features many additional bug fixes, performance improvements, and other additional minor tweaks. But the main notable feature for this snapshot is, of course, Music!

New Minecraft snapshot 21w42a features new melodies!

Minecraft Snapshot 21w42a (Java Update): A Music Update!
Minecraft Snapshot 21w42a Lush Caves

The first and most important addition to the game was music by Lena Raine and Kumi Tanioka, which can be played in the Jukebox item in Minecraft.

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Music assets in a new snapshot are called 'Otherside' music disc and are a very rare find. They can be found in Stronghold hallway chests and even rarer in dungeon chests. Players can find them in Overworld and in the main menu when in Survival mode.

Players can also find them on Spotify and later on Apple Music or YouTube.

Additionally, the following changes have been made to the game.

world generation

  • Lava fountains can be generated in mountains and snowy terrain
  • Water springs do not generate more than y 192 and are slightly less common
  • Badlands gold generates higher on blocks

Bug fixes

  • The player is no longer spawned at the highest level in the world
  • Spawning inside icebergs is now fixed
  • Player does not spawn on world surface when min_y is greater than 0
  • Parity issue: Light blocks do not display their light level when shown through a stuck light block item
  • The player may occasionally spawn underground when loading into a new world
  • Beaches spawn between the desert and the ocean
  • 'Infinite' values ​​in noise settings in default world generation.

Players can read the full notes here and to get Snapshot in Java Edition, go to Minecraft Launcher and enable installation for snapshots. But it's a good idea to backup your world before doing so, to avoid data loss.

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