How to make hidden entries in Minecraft

Since the beta days of Minecraft, players have been finding ways to hide or obscure the entrances to their bases or other structures they value.

Minecraft Overview: Simple Methods to Create a Hidden Entrance The Paint Door The Piston Door The Minecart Entrance The Lava/Water Trapdoor

Whether simply for fun or to keep out unwanted visitors, hidden entrances have been a staple in Minecraft for almost as long as the game has been around.

They can come in many forms, from paintings hiding doors to pistons moving walls, and even more complicated redstone machines can obscure things even further. There are several ways to hide a door or entrance, and Minecraft players are only limited by how much time they want to dedicate to the project.

Minecraft: Simple Methods to Create a Hidden Entry

How to make hidden entries in Minecraft
While some builders have done incredible technical wonders to hide their structures, sometimes simple methods still work just fine (

The Minecraft community has spent years improving the complexity and function of mechanisms that hide or obscure the entrance to their buildings. However, some may choose to keep things simple while still being effective.

Methods like these are accessible to both new Minecraft players and its veteran player base. Regardless of the purpose of hidden entry, below are some of the most popular methods of doing them:

the painting door

  • One of the oldest hidden door methods in Minecraft history. To create the door, start by digging or mining a hole in the wall for the entrance and place signs, gates, doors, or trapdoors to seal the hole. Next, with a paint job, look at the bottom left block for an area you want to cover. Put the paint on and you're done. It may take a few tries to break and replace the paint to get the correct size, but this method takes little effort and still looks pretty good from a decoration point of view.

the piston door

  • Manually operated via a lever or automated via a trigger device such as a pressure plate, piston doors in Minecraft can create the illusion of a solid wall while pushing certain blocks back and forth to create an opening. . A simple way to create a piston port is to place two 2×2 stacks of sticky pistons facing each other and then a 1×2 column of sticky pistons connected to them, forming an L or corner. Then place a 1×2 column of building blocks so that the L shape of both structures becomes a square.
  • Then build a front wall and roof around the pistons and building blocks, ideally made of the same material as the first building blocks. This will become the port through which the pistons operate the port.
  • Place four redstone repeaters on the roof of the structure. Separate the four with two on the left and two on the right. Left repeater positions must face left and right repeater positions must face right. Connect the repeaters with redstone powder and place the connected levers wherever you want. Preferred locations include either side of the constructed corridor.
  • Turn the levers! If done correctly, the pistons should push and pull the building blocks to create a door. If the building blocks on the pistons match the blocks in the hallway, the door should be well camouflaged
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Minecart's entry

  • An old Minecraft trick that some players are aware of is the temporary invulnerability players get when swiping on their feet to enter a minecart. For this entrance, drill a hole in the wall or use an existing entrance, then place a handrail with a minecart on top. Right in front of the minecart, close the entrance with a lava flow. If done correctly, players should be able to interact with the minecart on the other side and enter it without being damaged by the lava flow. This can take some practice, so players in Minecraft Survival Mode should be careful not to get burned.

The Lava/Water Trapdoor

  • This particular entry will slightly hurt Minecraft players, so it's not ideal to use it with low health. This entry is built in three layers. At the bottom of the floor-based entrance, players must place a pool of water. Just above the pool of water, players will want to line the walls with boards. Above these signs, players can place a lava pool. The lava must be stopped by the signals, creating a buffer zone between it and the water. Trapdoors can optionally be placed on top, but this is not mandatory. If the entrance is made correctly, players can fall into the lava, taking only minor damage before passing through it and falling into the water, which will extinguish its flames.

Read more: How to Summon Tamed Pets in Minecraft

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