How to make an arrow in Minecraft: materials, uses and more!

Minecraft weaponry is an integral part of the game and players must craft weapons to survive in the world. Here's how to make an arrow in Minecraft using simple ingredients.

Summary Arrow in Minecraft Uses Variants How to make an arrow in Minecraft?

Minecraft is an open world sandbox game where players can craft, build and adventure as they please. However, danger lurks in every corner of the world and players should be aware of this. To repel these hostile monsters, players need proper weapons to defeat them. One of the best weapons is the Bow and arrows are the best friends for this weapon!

Here's how to make an arrow in Minecraft from scratch!

non minecraft arrow

How to make an arrow in Minecraft: materials, uses and more!
non minecraft arrow

The arrow is the ammunition for Minecraft's bow, crossbows and dispensers. They can also be customized to provide various effects when needed!

Related: Crossbows versus bows in Minecraft: which weapon is better for ranged combat?

Arrows can be found naturally in the world in Village, Pillager Outpost, Jungle Temples and Bastion Remnants Chests. They can also be found in villager businesses and in Skeletons and Strays mobs.

Fun fact: players can also get free arrows from Villagers if they have the Village Hero effect on them!


  • Arrows can be fired from a bow, crossbows and dispensers to harm enemies or hostile mobs.
  • Arrows also travel faster through air compared to water.
  • Players need to charge the weapon before releasing the arrow, and the amount of charge determines the distance the arrow travels and the damage.
  • Players can also recover from shooting blues by walking on them!
  • A fire-tipped arrow can also be used to set off explosives like TNT.


How to make an arrow in Minecraft: materials, uses and more!
non minecraft arrow

Arrows in Minecraft with a wide variety of effects and are divided into:

  • Regeneration Arrow
  • Swiftness Arrow
  • Fire Resistance Arrow
  • healing arrow
  • Night Vision Arrow
  • force arrow
  • jump arrow
  • invisibility arrow
  • Poison arrow
  • Arrow of Weakness
  • slow arrow
  • damage arrow
  • Breathing Water Arrow
  • Lucky Arrow‌[JAVA only]
  • Arrow of Decay‌[BEDROCK only]
  • Turtle Master's Arrow
  • Slow Arrow

How to make an arrow in Minecraft?

Players need to collect 3 distinct items to make an arrow in Minecraft:

  • Flint x1
  • Stick x1
  • sorrow x1

Players can find Flint breaking blocks of gravel. Sticks can be obtained from chests or by breaking tree leaves. Players can also process wooden planks to make sticks.

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The feathers are dropped by the hens when they are killed.

How to make an arrow in Minecraft: materials, uses and more!
Recipe for Arrow

Combine the three items on a Crafting Table to make an arrow in Minecraft. This recipe makes just one arrow.

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