How to get Slimeballs in Minecraft?

Minecraft has a lot of items that players might have a hard time finding in the game. See how players can find Slimeballs in Minecraft by simple means.

Summary How to find Slimeballs in Minecraft? Wandering traders Slimes Pandas

Slimeballs are a moderately important item in Minecraft and can be used for a variety of purposes. Slimeballs are mob-only items that can only be found through a certain means. They are then used in crafting a variety of items and creating other useful tools for the player to use.

These are a very useful tool and here is everything about Slimeballs in Minecraft.

How to find Slimeballs in Minecraft?

How to get Slimeballs in Minecraft?
Slimeballs no Minecraft (

Slimeballs in Minecraft are an item of uncommon rarity and cannot be found inside chests. However, here are some ways players can obtain it:

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Wandering merchants

How to get Slimeballs in Minecraft?
Wandering Traders (

Wandering traders are randomly generated mobs that trade with players and often contain great trading options. They have a chance to sell Slimeballs for 4 Emeralds. However, this may not be a fair trade for players as emeralds are very rare.


Slimes are the only mobs in the game that drop Slimeballs and can be found naturally in swamps and caves. These are small bouncy green mobs that can split when killed into small slimes. A Giant Slime will split into two smaller slimes when killed. A Slime has a chance of dropping 0-2 Slimeballs when killed and is the most efficient and easiest way to catch them.


How to get Slimeballs in Minecraft?
Panda (

Pandas are also an unlikely crowd that can give players Slimeballs. Pandas are a very rare mob that can be found in the Bamboo Forest biomes. These mobs have a small chance, around 0,0014% of dropping a Slimeball when they sneeze.

This is very rare and players should not rely on this method either. Players can find 7 Pandas variants in the game and Sickly Pandas have a higher chance of knocking them down because they sneeze a lot.

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