Deep Strider Minecraft Enchantment: Everything you need to know!

Minecraft has a variety of enchantments that players can apply to items to make them better. Here's everything you need to know about the Depth Strider Minecraft enchantment and its in-game uses.

Enchantments are quirky effects that allow items, weapons, and armor to go beyond their normal base stats. In addition to making them better, they can also be used to get additional special effects that can make the player's experience better in menial tasks. These are widely desired and a perfect enchanted item can prove to be a great pleasure!

Here's everything you need to know about Depth Strider Minecraft Enchantment.

Depth Strider Minecraft

Deep Strider Minecraft Enchantment: Everything you need to know!
Depth Strider Minecraft (

This is a very peculiar enchantment that has only one effect and only one piece of armor can be enchanted with it. Basically, it increases the movement speed of players underwater.

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Deep Strider Minecraft Enchantment: Everything you need to know!
Enchanting Table (

The Death Strider Minecraft enchantment is exclusive to the boots armor and no other pieces of equipment or armor can be enchanted with it. However, players can use commands to place it on other pieces of armor.

Players can obtain this enchantment from the Enchanting Table, find equipment in Chests enchanted with it, or find an enchanted fishing book or from chests.

Uses for Enchantment

This enchantment is very useful for players when exploring the seabed or ocean ruins or monuments. Basically this increases the player's speed underwater and the speed depends on the enchantment level.

At level 3 of the Depth Strider enchantment, players can move through water at the same speed as walking on land. An important point, is that players can swim alongside a dolphin to obtain the Dolphin's Grace effect, which also increases movement speed underwater. These two can combine to give players a massive speed boost.

It also reduces how far the player can be pushed back by a stream of water flowing the opposite way.

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