5 best biomes for building farms in Minecraft

Minecraft worlds are much more complex than you might think at first glance.

Overview The best Minecraft biomes for farming 5) Forest 4) Savannah 3) Mountain 2) Swamp 1) Plains

Worlds in Minecraft are made up of many different biomes, each with its own unique weather system. These climates affect almost everything within the biome, especially plants and crops.

For this reason, Minecraft players should carefully consider which biomes are best for establishing their farms. Players may want to avoid biomes that are too hot or too cold to ensure their crops grow properly.

Minecraft farms can come in a wide variety, of course, and they're not just limited to plants. Almost everything in Minecraft can be farmed, but each individual farm will always require some specific environment to be effective.

When considering all of Minecraft's biomes, some stand out as more ideal for farming than others.

The best minecraft biomes for farming

5) Forest

5 best biomes for building farms in Minecraft
There are many types of forests in Minecraft (

There are many types of forests in Minecraft, but one thing they all have in common is that they provide a lot of trees for tools and resources. Forest biomes have a neutral temperature, which makes them ideal for plantations and crops.

Typically, forests are spawned with many other plants as well, which proves that it is a great place to grow.

The main downside of building farms in a forest biome is that there isn't much room to build with all the trees in the way. So for larger, more detailed farms, a different biome might work better, unless a player is willing to clear a forest just for their farms.

4) Savannah

5 best biomes for building farms in Minecraft
The savannah biome is the driest on this list (

Savannah biomes are great for mobs of farmers as almost all farm animals can be found roaming this Minecraft biome. There is also usually plenty of room to work in the savannah biomes when it comes to larger farms, as well as plenty of trees to utilize for tools and construction.

Savannah is the driest biome on the list, however. It's a little dry for crops to thrive, especially since it can't rain on the savannah. However, most Minecraft plants and crops will still grow in this biome, the results may be slower than usual.

Otherwise, it is recommended that other dry biomes such as deserts or arid lands are avoided when it comes to agriculture.

3) Mountain

5 best biomes for building farms in Minecraft
There are some mountain specific farms available for Minecrafters (

When it comes to mountain biomes, there are usually areas wide enough to build farms on the flat tops of the extreme hills. Also, there are many mountain-specific monsters like goats and llamas that can be easily farmed here, better than any other biome.

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However, mountains tend to be a bit cold for crops, and climbing a mountain to reach a farm can always consume a lot of time and energy for a player.

Despite this, it may be worth building farms on a mountain to keep them away from areas generally accessible on a Minecraft server, if desired.

2) swamp

5 best biomes for building farms in Minecraft
The swamp biome has many possibilities for cultivation (

Swamp biomes are quite dynamic when it comes to Minecraft farming. Within these biomes are a wide variety of mobs and food sources, including chickens, which are extremely common in swamps.

The climate in the swampy biomes is decent enough for almost all plants to grow efficiently. There are many plants that can be found in abundance in swamp biomes, such as water lilies and vines.

Also within a swamp biome, players can farm highly valuable mobs such as slimes and witches, which are almost exclusively found within the biome. And of course, there are always plenty of trees for resources, and they can also be removed for more farm building space.

1) Plains

5 best biomes for building farms in Minecraft
Plains is the classic and original Minecraft biome (

Probably the best biome for building farms in Minecraft is the classic plains biome. This biome has a neutral temperature, which makes it more than ideal for crops and plants.

Plains biomes are also home to almost all mobs of farm animals. So starting basic farms in a plains biome is one of the easiest things to do in all of Minecraft.

Also, the plains biome is the best in terms of available space. Even the largest and most complex farms can be easily built in almost any lowland biome, given the amount of deforested area.

Overall, players just can't go wrong building farms in a plains biome. It's probably the most reliable biome for almost every Minecraft farm imaginable.

Observation: The list is subjective and reflects the writer's opinions.

Also read: What is the best level to mine Ancient Debris in Minecraft?

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