Why GTA 4 Players Love Roman Bellic Despite His Flaws

Roman Bellic may have several flaws, but some GTA 4 players tend to ignore them.

Summary Why Roman Bellic Remains Popular With GTA 4 Players GTA 4 Players Crave The “Good Old Days” Roman's Calls Are Harmless Compared To GTA Online Niko Bellic Has Lighter Moments With His Cousin Roman Is A Guy fun to hang out with In the end, Roman is pleased with himself

Bowling memes aside, Roman has his fair share of detractors. He got Niko in a lot of trouble in GTA 4, especially with his gaming addictions. Despite everything, he is not without admirable character traits. It brings color to an otherwise dark game.

At the end of GTA 4, players have a choice that will result in the death of either Roman or Katie McReary, Niko's girlfriend. The vast majority of players seem to prefer to let Roman live. Most comments on YouTube videos indicate that it was an easy choice to make.

Why Roman Bellic Remains Popular With GTA 4 Players

It needs to be stated – Roman is not a perfect character. He is a gambling addict with serious money problems. Your constant phone calls to the player will annoy them endlessly.

Despite its flaws, a good number of GTA 4 players can see beyond them. In his heart, Roman tries to look at the greener side of the grass. Due to external factors such as the weather, it could be argued that he is more appreciated now than he was then.

GTA 4 players yearn for the “good old days”

Why GTA 4 Players Love Roman Bellic Despite His Flaws

GTA 4 brought gritty realism to the series, with a story-driven dynamic to the overall drama. However, the fanbase was divided on the direction the series should go. GTA 5 and its online counterpart significantly reduced attempts at realism. Instead, it's awesome with more arcade-style action.

This is especially true with GTA Online. Now, players use flying motorcycles, explosive sniper rifles and ridiculous paint jobs for their vehicles. While the game is immensely popular, old school fans might find it too much.

The reason this goes back to Roman is because of the rose glasses. Nostalgic GTA 4 players miss what they consider the glory days. It's not a universally shared opinion, but these players generally prefer the realistic approach of GTA 4. Roman is just a representation of that sentiment.

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Roman's calls are harmless compared to GTA Online

Why GTA 4 Players Love Roman Bellic Despite His Flaws

Rockstar Games has somehow managed to outdo Roman when it comes to bindings. For several years now, GTA Online players have been inundated with text messages and calls. Whether Lester, Paige or Agent 14, these messages interrupt the player's experience. Roman isn't that annoying.

GTA Online also hosts annoying characters like KDJ and Sessanta who constantly belittle the player. That doesn't make what Roman does better, but players greatly prefer this poison to others. He is no longer the most annoying character in the series.

Also, all GTA 4 players have to do is accept the invite and then cancel it. There will be no repercussions.

Niko Bellic has lighter moments with his cousin

Why GTA 4 Players Love Roman Bellic Despite His Flaws

Despite the grim story, Roman offers much-needed comic relief. His interactions with Niko are the highlights of the entire game. For the most part, Roman lights up the mood whenever he talks to Niko.

Roman is also the reason why Niko is a killer with a heart. Throughout GTA 4, Niko will do anything to protect his family. Vladimir Glebov and Dimitri Rascalov find out the hard way when they try to hurt Roman. Niko may be cold-blooded, but he warms up to his cousin.

Roman is a fun guy to hang out with

Why GTA 4 Players Love Roman Bellic Despite His Flaws

Whether he's drunk or desperately trying to beat up women, Roman is never a boring guy. Hanging out with him is quite an exciting experience. Although he is a bit over the top in his mannerisms, Roman never wastes a good time.

Players will also hear insightful conversations between the cousins. Often, they discuss their vision of the American dream and whether or not it is actually achievable. Unlike Sweet with CJ or Michael and his wife, Roman is always supportive of his family. For GTA 4 players, this is refreshing to see.

In the end, Roman is happy with himself

Why GTA 4 Players Love Roman Bellic Despite His Flaws

Roman Bellic worked hard to get everything he wanted in life. He started with nothing but a few change in his pocket. In several years, he managed to manage a taxi garage. Although he doesn't have a high standard of living, Roman still took nothing and turned it into something.

At the end of GTA 4 (if the player chooses the Revenge ending), Roman can start a new life with his beautiful wife. He endured all the hardships of his life and overcame them.

Note: This article reflects the writer's personal views.

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