GTA 5 player stats explained

Each character in GTA 5, whether one of the protagonists or the online character, has different stats that define their abilities. A starting player doesn't have good stats, but these stats can be raised or improved by playing the game and performing actions related to those stats. In GTA Online, improving these stats can even give you an edge over other players. This article covers GTA 5 stats and everything you need to know about them.

GTA 5 player stats explained
GTA 5 player stats explained 5

Related: World records set by GTA 5.

Explanation of GTA 5 player stats:

GTA 5 player stats explained
GTA 5 player stats explained 6

Stamina- This stat defines how long a player or character can run, run, swim, or ride a bike before getting tired. It can be increased by performing any of these actions repeatedly over a period of time. Specifically, it increases by 1% for every 18 yards running, swimming, or pedaling.

Gunfire - This stat improves player accuracy and improves reload times. It can be increased by practicing at the shooting range in Ammu-Nation. This stat also increases as the player uses their weapons to kill enemies and even more if they are all headshots.

Stealth: This stat increases the player's speed when in stealth mode, while making less noise. Can be upgraded by performing stealth takedowns.

Strength: Improves the player's overall durability while also mitigating melee damage. It can be improved by playing sports like tennis.

Drive: Improves overall ground vehicle control. Improved by performing different maneuvers or wheelies with land vehicles.

GTA 5 player stats explained
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Fly: Improves the overall control of the air vehicle. Improved by continuing to fly or attending the Flight School.

Special: Increases the duration of the special skill and decreases the cooldown of the special skill for protagonists. Increased by continuous use of special skill.

Lung Capacity: This stat defines how long a player can be underwater before running out of breath. It can be improved through prolonged underwater swimming.

GTA 5 player stats explained
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In GTA Online, these stats can also be increased to a certain extent by simply ranking them. Stats like health and stamina can even be maxed this way, but other stats like flying or driving should be maxed as mentioned.

New GTA 5 Event for July 1, 2021: Earn Double Cash and RP.

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