GTA 5 new bug breaks aircraft generation

The newest DLC for GTA 5 Online has been well received by the community. It is one of the biggest updates in the game's history and it also experienced a steady increase in the player base after its release. It has added tons of new content for players to enjoy, like new missions, cars, races, and even a new social space. It also added minor quality of life updates. However, it introduced some bugs. This article covers the new aircraft bug in the new GTA 5 DLC.

GTA 5 new bug breaks aircraft generation
GTA 5 new bug breaks aircraft generates 5

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New GTA 5 bug breaks aircraft spawns:

GTA 5 new bug breaks aircraft generation
GTA 5 new bug breaks aircraft generates 6

Since their introduction, non-Pegasus personal aircraft have become increasingly popular. Prior to the Smuggler's Run update, players could only store their aircraft with Pegasus. When they had to spawn their airship, they had to contact Pegasus, who then delivers the airship to a nearby location for a small fee. These aircraft could not be customized in any way.

The Smugglers Run DLC in 2016 added a new Hangar for players to purchase. The Hangar was not only a commercial property where players could smuggle cargo by air, it also functioned as a garage for aircraft. Players can now purchase aircraft from in-game websites and store and customize them inside hangars.

GTA 5 new bug breaks aircraft generation
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As planes were now personal vehicles, they could also be spawned via the interaction menu, similar to personal ground vehicles. These spawns, however, were horrible and not player-friendly, often spawning very far from where the player originally requested the airship.

These spawns have received serious backlash from the GTA 5 Online community. Players used to get annoyed at having to travel long distances just to use their air vehicles. However, there hasn't been any change from Rockstar regarding aircraft spawns until the very recent Los Santos Tuners DLC.

GTA 5 new bug breaks aircraft generation
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Los Santos Tuners DLC was released a few days ago and players quickly discovered new bugs. Now, when an aircraft is requested through the interaction menu, it appears next to the player. At first this was interpreted as a fix for the long spawns of broken aircraft. However, it was soon discovered to be a bug as all aircraft spawned alongside the player. This was a problem as large planes like the Alkonost or Bombushka would also spawn alongside players and immediately explode due to lack of street space.

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For now, it's still unclear whether Rockstar would fix this anytime soon. In the past, Rockstar has waited until the release of new DLCs to fix known bugs and it is highly likely that the aircraft spawn bug will also only be fixed in the next DLC.

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