Does CJ being fat in GTA San Andreas affect his performance?

If GTA San Andreas players allow CJ to gain weight, his performance in the game will change drastically.

Summary How does CJ being fat affect his performance in GTA San Andreas? Dispelling rumors Decline in physical abilities Dialog changes Random calls GTA San Andreas is all about attention to detail This article reflects the writer's personal opinions.

Unlike most games in the series, GTA San Andreas has a diet system. Depending on how much a player eats, this can result in physical differences. It remains the only game where players can alter their bodies. Rockstar Games made sure players noticed it right away.

By eating a lot and refusing to exercise, CJ will gain body weight. GTA San Andreas players need to keep fat. Otherwise, they will lose muscle when they are hungry. However, too much fat will result in obesity. This will reflect on CJ's performance in the game.

How does CJ being fat affect his performance in GTA San Andreas?

GTA San Andreas players need to eat a lot of food to gain weight. However, anything over nine servings will make them vomit. They can also avoid going to the gym. For the sake of novelty, they can try it out for themselves. Gameplay has changed a lot.

dispelling rumors

Does CJ being fat in GTA San Andreas affect his performance?

First, it is important to address persistent rumors. An urban legend claims that CJ will die of a heart attack if he is too fat. Despite common misconceptions, this is not true.

There is nothing in the game files to suggest this code exists. More than likely, players thought they had a heart attack when they were starving. If a player doesn't eat for a few days, he will gradually lose health. Maybe that's why the rumor spread across the forums.

However, obesity negatively affects gameplay in GTA San Andreas. Players will have to deal with the consequences of their actions. This not only extends to random dates, but also prevents them from completing quests.

Decline in physical abilities

Does CJ being fat in GTA San Andreas affect his performance?

GTA San Andreas players will have a harder time playing if CJ is fat. Your physical abilities will decrease, as will your health and stamina. Several missions require players to run and jump over objects. It will be more difficult to remove them when they are fat. Predictably, they also lose their sex appeal.

In this state, CJ does everything slower. Whether it's climbing walls or jumping over a fence, it takes time. This leaves a large opening for enemy combatants. They can get some easy shots. Not suitable for combat.

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Interestingly, players will not be able to perform certain missions if they are obese. An example is the Black Project mission. "The Truth" requires CJ to break into Area 69 to steal a jetpack. If the player is too fat, the hippie will mockingly tell him to lose weight. Otherwise they cannot use the jetpack.

Dialog box changes

Does CJ being fat in GTA San Andreas affect his performance?

GTA San Andreas pedestrians will react to CJ. They can comment on his physical appearance, whether he's muscular or fat. In the case of the latter, he is often mocked. CJ will also reference his weight in their casual dialogue. Here's an example:

"I'd rather be at a drive-thru than a drive-by."

These lines are worth listening to. These are some of the funniest in the entire game. Rockstar Games recorded several of them for fat CJ. GTA San Andreas players can test it for themselves. The game rewards players with attention to detail. At the very least, CJ is quite proud of his body structure.

random calls

Does CJ being fat in GTA San Andreas affect his performance?

At some point, Big Smoke will call CJ to talk about his weight issues. CJ goes to fight back, saying that Big Smoke is the last person he needs to hear this from. Sweet will also tell CJ to go to the gym more often.

GTA San Andreas tells as many fat jokes as it can. For some reason, Ryder seems to be cooler about it than Big Smoke and Sweet. However, he prefers to mock the player's driving skills.

GTA San Andreas is all about attention to detail

Does CJ being fat in GTA San Andreas affect his performance?

One of the biggest strengths of GTA San Andreas is how meticulous it is. Regardless of the weight category, the game will comment on this. From the characters in the story to the pedestrians, attention is paid to every little detail.

Size matters in GTA San Andreas. Whether a player is skinny, muscular, or fat affects gameplay in unique ways. No other game in the series does so much. That's what makes GTA San Andreas stand out.

For these reasons, players may prefer fat CJ over their regular counterparts. This is a completely new experience for players. Rockstar Games didn't have to work that hard. But the players certainly appreciate the efforts.

This article reflects the writer's personal views.

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