5 GTA San Andreas Features That Still Stand Out in 2021

GTA San Andreas may be an old game, but it's by no means obsolete. Despite being released in 2004, there are several features that still stand out and shine.

Summary Top 5 GTA San Andreas Features That Still Stand Out in 2021 5) Physical Appearance 4) Realism 3) Bodyweight Dynamics 2) Fast Travel Flying 1) Reward Target

With the remastered version coming soon, longtime fans will have plenty to look forward to. Here are the top five GTA San Andreas features that still stand out in 2021.

Top 5 GTA San Andreas Features That Still Stand Out in 2021

5) Physical appearance

Unlike other GTA titles, GTA San Andreas players could not only change their external appearance, but also their own body type. For example, if CJ ate too much, he would get fat in the game.

It goes without saying that this feature has been well received and adored by fans across the world. Now, in addition to gaining weight, CJ can also slim down and gain weight.

5 GTA San Andreas Features That Still Stand Out in 2021

4) Realism

Now, in addition to gaining weight or losing weight in GTA San Andreas, CJ would also get better at in-game activities by practicing them continuously, just like in real life.

This embodiment of realism was a much appreciated feature by fans and remains popular until now. In fact, the realism was so prominent that CJ would even throw up if players forced him to eat too much.

5 GTA San Andreas Features That Still Stand Out in 2021

3) Body weight dynamics

It turns out that the appearance of the body was not just to look good, as it had certain working characteristics in GTA San Andreas as well. For example, if CJ gained weight, both pedestrian and CJ's dialogue would change to reflect his weight.

In addition to the change in dialogue, certain missions could not be played if CJ was above a certain weight limit. The NPC would inform the players that CJ needed to lose weight to fulfill the quest.

5 GTA San Andreas Features That Still Stand Out in 2021

2) Fast travel by flying

Traveling in GTA San Andreas was a little ahead of its time. Players wouldn't simply teleport from one location to another, they had to drive or steal a plane and fly.

Now, while most preferred this method, for those players who wanted to travel in style and hassle-free, they could do so by paying for an airline ticket. Suffice to say the immersion levels were off the chart.

5 GTA San Andreas Features That Still Stand Out in 2021

1) Reward target

In GTA San Andreas, if players managed to go bankrupt and go into debt while playing at the casino, CJ would be asked to pay the money, not knowing which gunman would chase him and attack him after a few days.

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These days these mechanics seem trivial, but back then it was a leap forward in gaming. The very fact that gamblers could not go into debt in casinos without being persecuted was profound.

5 GTA San Andreas Features That Still Stand Out in 2021

Read also: 5 things all GTA San Andreas fans miss in GTA 5

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